Artist Research

Next Tuesday, we are meeting back up with Croatian photographer Tanja Deman to undergo a photographic excursion along the North-West coastline of Jersey. The objective of the trip is to gain some knowledge and tips from an expert upon landscapes, which would benefit us when going into further depth into our environmental module. Our temporary focus for the day is man’s impact upon the land which was set by Deman herself, as she intends to show how our interpretations are different to hers.

Luigi Ghirri

Luigi Ghirri was an Italian artist and photographer who gained a far-reaching reputation as a pioneer and master of contemporary photography, with particular reference to its relationship between fiction and reality.

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Image result for Luigi Ghirri

I like how Ghirri bases his simple yet effective photography upon symmetry within the natural environment. His emphasis on the sky or the sea provides an idyllic sensation to his photographs whilst also abiding by the laws of photographic linear. The series of photographs is very satisfying for me as the correlation between linear and symmetry give the images a crisp or sharp edge upon alternative images.

Thomas Struth

Thomas Struth is a German photographer who is best known for his Museum Photographs, family portraits and 1970s black and white photographs of the streets of Düsseldorf and New York. Struth’s work upon family provides relevance for the course so I’ll focus upon his family portraits.

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Linking back to Jonny Briggs, Struth based his works upon the facade of the stereotypical family photo, however, Struth’s images consist of a blank-faced rather than the smile. This provides a sense of surrealism which inverts expectations within society.

Richard Misrach

Richard Misrach is an American photographer “firmly identified with the introduction of color to ‘fine’ [art] photography in the 1970s, and with the use of large-format traditional cameras”

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Image result for Richard Misrach

Image result for Richard Misrach

Similarly to Ghirri, Misrach exploits the effectiveness of simple symmetry and linear, however, his photographs portray a more interesting environment in comparison to Ghirri. This artist withholds my favourite series of images, particularly for the environmental case study.

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