Sammy Slabbinck

Sammy Slabbinck is a unique contemporary photographer who is notorious for using collages. The Belgiancombines his own photography with alternative images, which are usually old-fashioned, giving a vintage effect.

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Image result for sammy slabbinck photography

To view more of his work, click the following link …

Sammy Slabbinck’s iconic and individual take on the world caught my attention as he combines photographs fluently and gives an obvious opinion in each of his images. One photograph of Slabbinck’s that certainly caught my attention is the following image as it really does open a variety of images you’d expect to see through a camera. Slabbinck gives such a simple yet effective visual representation of the photographic process and gives different examples to help visualize the camera and its function, whilst also portraying his own interpretation. For a modern photographer to use old fashioned images and emit such a vintage tone inverts my expectations which fundamentally, makes the collection of photographs more interesting.

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The split up images are portrayed as different rays coming from the camera. The graphics show presumably an old fashioned holiday home and a man holding a traditional camera, setting this very vintage and mature scene. The interesting visuals are juxtaposed with bland brown paper which help illuminate the images which Slabbinck forces us to focus on.

I attempted to recreate the image in my own way…

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