Possible Investigations for Personal Study (Essay Question)

I have chosen to study the work of  Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier to help me generate a response to the one of the questions below for my personal study. I have previously observed and researched the work of both artists but intend to do more through observations into their work and thought processes.

Here are some possible questions I may use to answer for my personal study. They relate to the photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier and compares and contrasts their work to relate to my own project exploring similar themes, representations and contexts.

How do photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier show familial relationships to be cohesive yet destructive?

How do photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier construct their images to tell a story of their own family?

How do photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier collaborate with their subjects to show their internal family community and to make it a more personal exploration into the fragility of families?

This was my favourite question from the list I created, however, I thought it could do with some tweaks to make it better and to make it read better for both myself and the audience to understand more clearly what I will be writing about.

How have the themes of attachment, detachment, family and love been represented in the photobooks of photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier?

This is the altered and better worded version of the question which I will be using:

How have the photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier explored themes of attachment and detachment in their own family through the medium of photobooks?

All my questions relate to the theme of family and relationships in particular and this is represented in both Matt Eich’s work and LaToya Ruby Fraizer. I took inspiration for my possible questions to respond to from that of previous questions answered by previous students for their own personal study. However, these are only potential studies at the moment and my photographs which I will be observing may change, as well as the context of the question but the examples above are useful to generate some ideas.


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