Significant Objects///Photoshoot 1/// Baby’s First Bible

These photos are of my old Bible that was given to me when I was really young. This really surprised me when looking at the bible as it was very difficult for me to read, even now never mind when I was a young boy. However, I wanted to use this bible as it has always stood out to me. I think this is due to it having this fairly plain look to it as well as it being so complex and hard to understand. I picked certain pages for different reasons.  I also chose to take photos of the bible from side and front angles to give a real sense of what it looks like. I also wanted to capture that it’s called a “Baby’s First Bible” and it’s that intense. In a way it’s fairly comical. The bible itself is very old and was given to me when I was a part of my old church. This church was very traditional and was very different to the church we go to now. I used a white background as I wanted to capture that cream tint that shows how old the book is. It almost shows the old fashioned look, I used have on faith and outlook many people often have about God and faith. However, throughout this project I want to show how real and captivating having a relationship with God can be. Showing how I don’t belong to a religion, a set of rules, I belong to the living God.

I really wanted to show the bible itself before taking photos of the inside. This is why I took photos of the front and side angle of the book just to get a sense of what it is like. As I said before I wanted to capture the slight cream tint it has. I also wanted to another angle rather than just photography the front, this is why I photographed the bible from a side angle. Another reason I took it from this angle is because I wanted to capture the “Baby’s First Bible”. When I took photos of the inside I focused on pages and chapters that meant a lot to my mum. One of them (the one without red) was from the chapter Lamentations. This book is full of stories of people crying out to God through the hardest times in their life. To lament is a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. This book meant a lot to my family. The 3rd chapter particularly as (in some versions) it calls God their defender and lawyer. This was very significant. Another page I decided to picture was in Mark. This is due to the chapter being about the transfiguration which has some relevance but mainly because I wanted to capture the red writing as that color will play a significant role in my project. The reason it is red is because every time Jesus spoken it was written in red to show the importance of what he is saying. In previous shoots I have used red for the color of the crucifixes and want to use more often throughout my product.

Review and Reflect

My Personal Study surprised me because, no matter how hard I tried to plan and force this particular shoot, it would not express the concept I attempted to portray, in other words, I was “flogging a dead horse”. Under pressure due to deadlines, I thought long and hard to create a new idea and concept for my project before I decided to photograph my step-brother and use him as a symbol of a younger me who suffered from A.D.H.D. just like Noah. In retrospect, I am very happy with my shoot as it has paved the way for my project and the images themselves are very powerful and will be useful when it comes to the production of my photo book.

Using my ability to portray a story through imagery, I aim to provide a thorough insight into the ups and downs of suffering from A.D.H.D, and although the positives are often latent, I want to expose them to show how it has potentially brought the family together despite the struggles

Going forward, I look to photographically portray how Noah has had an impact upon my home and how the people within my home have had to alter their behavior due to Noah’s disorder. I need to include more documentation styled imagery and recover more archival images in order to depict the story I aim to achieve. – One factor I really benefited from following the the assessment and critique of a former student’s work was the mere fact she had inspired me to take more controlled, documentary styled images.