Photoshoot 1///Brother

When taking these photos I focused on mainly exploring the idea of isolation. As this was already a large part of Davids personality before the accident. However when the accident happened he did not want to talk to anyone didn’t want to know anyone just wanted to be alone. The David we knew before was no longer there he had changed dramatically. The lone part to his personality had taken over completely.  I wanted to capture this change in the photos I took. This is also why I like the photo of him sitting on the bench so much, as it already shows what I was trying to capture. Also by having those words ‘miss me’ on the back of the bench makes it even more prominent. As it’s almost saying he’s a different person to who he was before.

There are photos on this that I will not include in my final product as they do not fit the story I am telling. However, I did like the photos themselves. This is why I included them in this section. The photos I am including in my finals is the one of my brothers eye and the “miss me” photo I talked about previously. I liked the photo of my brothers eye, as its looking away from the camera. It shows a loneliness, this is also captured through the fact that there is only one eye shown.

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