Jonny’s session on fear

When Jonny came to our school on the 4th of July, he began with asking us about the concept of fear and mistakes and linked that with how it could be explored creatively in the image-making process. The most popular idea we as students came up with was the fear of people not understanding our work or the image/images not turning out the way we want them too. Personally, these are my 2 biggest fears when photographing objects or people.

We were then asked to complete 2 tasks, in the first task, Jonny asked us to draw a face with our eyes closed, we were given about 4 minutes to complete this. We were then asked to draw a second face, but this time a face of someone in our class.

I personally, found the second faced harder to draw as I was afraid the person  I drew would feel offended.

These are my images:

Jonny Briggs visited the Hautlieu again on 04/07/17 to hold his workshop, he set us a task to complete, which was:

“find five different ways to destroy an image”…

I have chosen to destroy one image from my own personal family archive. I will be experimenting with varies different images, one of myself as a child, one of my dad as a child and 2 images of me and my brother on the same drum set at the same age.  I also used objects from my childhood, which are of great significance to me. They are my first ever ballet shoes (although I only have 1) and my first ever tap shoes. Dancing has always been important to me from a very young ages until present day.

These were the 5 images I presented to Jonny:

-These images have a strong visual connections between father and daughter.

-Revealed / concealed are constant themes with time and age being explored too.

-Look for symbols and metaphors.

-Experiment with layers and skins (fabric, paper etc) to signify time and “erosion” of memory or relationships.