A day with Jonny Briggs

Is fear is a good thing? / What are your opinions on fear? / Have you ever experienced fear during your photography?

On the 2nd of July we had an hour long workshop with Jonny Briggs. During this session the main topic was based around fear and fear of making mistakes and how it can impact our work. The questions above are a few of the initial questions that Jonny faced with us, he went around the group asking everyone what there personal opinions on whether fear is a good thing or not. Listening to everyone’s ideas was really interesting and definitely stretched my thoughts on it and made me consider that fear can be a good thing and especially fear of mistakes because it means you care about something and don’t want to wreck the work you may be creating. Other concepts which came up in discussion which i found interesting was that mistakes can often improve our work and make it more individual and different because mistakes can lead to work differing from the social norms.

Jonny then got us to do a task about making mistakes and getting us to try new things which we may have felt fearful off. We all had a pen and piece of paper and had to close our eyes and draw a face with as much detail as possible. The outcomes were discussed and many people agreed that the outcomes were more interesting than normal faces because they were more distorted and every image was different and people seemed to have a style to their drawings when we compared the first drawing we did to the second drawing.




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