Prepapration for Activity w/ Jonny Briggs

On the 04/07/17, we will be working with Jonny Briggs again in the studio at school. He will be coming in to work with all of us and wishes to focus on creating images to boost our personal study by forcing us to delve deeper into our own family history. We will be bringing in objects and images that have some significance to us in order for us to experimnent with and create some interesting images that reflect the work of Jonny.

We will be in the studio talking to Jonny one on one and I am really looking forward to this experience and hope to embrace it fully so I can get the best possible outcome for my own photos and own personal study for the future. I hope to get some ideas from Jonny to influence my work and I hope that he gives me some feedback on what I produce so I can improve upon it for furure reference. Jonny focuses hugely on his family in his work and how his childhood influences his current life choices. He includes family members in his work and their views and how they behaved with him when he was younger in comparison to his other siblings is a vital part to his work also. My relationship with my siblings, in my case, my younger sister of four years will also be a part of my study for year twelve as I wish to observe her childhood life and document it using my camera. This task tomorrow can kick-start my ideas and how I will go about it. I really like Jonny’s work and I think it reflects my own work in that it is abstract and different.

For tomorrorw, I plan to bring in a couple objects that has significant meaning to me. This would be things that provides a relationship between myslef and my dad in particular because he moved away from my mum when I was young, at around four years old. Therefore objects that he has given to me over the years as I grew up has a lot of meaning to me and I wish to treasure them for the memories they will hold in the future. Specific obejcts bring back nostalgic thouhgts from when I was a child and used to stay at his on the weekends – therefore I will be bringing in a blanket I slept with when I was younger if I can find it – I would take this to my dad’s house and I have kept for keepsake reasons. As well, my dad used to play cricket regualrly as a sport he was very passoinate about. When he stopped playing, he gave me his “lucky” cricket ball that he used most games. I still have this in my room and it is on display. I also wish to bring in some images of myslef and my dad from when I was younger because these have a special menaing to me and I find it amusing to look back at them because even though I can’t remember them, I notice how similar myself and my dad looked, especially when were next to each other. We have a joke about this now and still get told we look alike and this will be noticeable form the images I bring. I will bring in a teddy that my littler sister, Minnie gave to me for my birthday when I was 12 – how old I was when she was born. This is also on display in my room and holds a lot of meaning to me and I will also bring in one of my older toys from when I was a baby to see the wear in both items.

I also plan to bring in my apron that I would always wear when I did baking as a toddler. This is kept safe in my memory box and I will bring this in as well as a picture of me when I was younger wearing the apron. I think that the items and images I am bringing in set me up for an interesting hour of experimentation and will generate the ideas for my personal study.

These are the images I will be bringing in tomorrow:

myself and my dad when I was a baby
myself and my dad when I was 4/5 years old
myself when I was a toddler
myself and my little sister now

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