Claude Cahun

Lucy Renee Mathilde Schwob or Claude Cahun was an iconic artist, particularly recognised for her photography which was considered rather peculiar for her time period but looking back retrospectively, the modern generation has agreed the French national was ahead of her time. The advanced Claude Cahun was most definitely promoting a minority as she was born into a Jewish family, an unpopular religion throughout history, however, she was also a lesbian and lived with partner  Suzanne Malherbe, who renamed herself ‘Marcel Moore’. Potentially, Cahun’s underdog stature within society caused her to follow up with her surrealism production through art and literature. Cahun had a focus upon ridiculing traditional concepts of gender roles as she exploited her androgynous nature to defy society’s pretensions.

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San Francisco, 1928

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New York, 1920

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Paris, 1920

During World War II, Cahun and her partner Moore created propaganda within the occupied Channel Island of Jersey.  The two worked extensively in producing anti-German fliers and they inconspicuously crumpled up and threw their fliers into cars and windows. In many ways, Cahun and Malherbe’s resistance efforts were not only political but artistic actions, using their creative talents to manipulate and undermine the authority which they despised. However, Cahun’s subversive behaviour was a dangerous game and this led to a death sentence in 1944, fortunately her punishment was never carried out, but her health never recovered from her treatment during the war and she died in 1954.

It wasn’t until 40 years after her death that Cahun’s work became recognized, mostly thanks to Francis Leperlier despite Cahun’s wish to not become famous. To further her fame, David Bowie hosted a specific exhibition for Cahun’s work in New York in 2007.

“You could call her transgressive or you could call her a cross dressing Man Ray with surrealist tendencies. I find this work really quite mad, in the nicest way.Outside of France and now the UK she has not had the kind of recognition that, as a founding follower, friend and worker of the original surrealist movement, she surely deserves.”

Nothing could better do this, I thought, than to show her photographs through the digital technology of the 21st century and in a setting that embraces the pastoral sanctuary of her last years.

Conveniently for me, me and my dad live in Cahun’s old property in Saint Brelade’s, Jersey. Looking through her series of images, you can see where she’d taken some of her photographs on the property which is obviously an interesting and unique situation for me as a photographer and fan of Cahun’s work.  We have access to a few Cahun based sources which of course are beneficial for my study into the artist. In order to further my research into the photographer, I plan to utilize the Societe Jersiaise online archives. This process will help me piece together the history of the environment me and my father live in whilst exploring a famous and relevant photographer.

Examples of Claude Cahun’s photographic surrealism…

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Paris, 1915

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Bifur, 1930

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Paris, 1928

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Paris, 1928

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Paris, 1917

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Paris, 1939

An image of Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore’s graves with their actual names, which reinforces how their fantasy names which everybody recognizes them by, are ignored and their reputation and work is unappreciated which coincides with Claude Cahun’s involvement in the image to follow.

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This image created by Claude Cahun depicts her relationship with her partner; Marcel Moore. This image was taken in 1928, long before homosexual relationships were socially acceptable, yet Claude Cahun experiments with this sense of surrealism as she photographs herself and her partner. Although Cahun and Moore maintained a low profile despite their alternative style of photography, in their death their work has been appreciated by the likes of Bowie as they’ve been deemed the founders of surrealism.

Cahun explores the use of two different mirrors to exploit two different emotions as behind closed doors the couple’s homosexual relations are acceptable which is evident through the joy of Marcel Moore. Cahun’s facial expression is more of a concern as she faces society. The intimacy of the image can be displayed by the indirect eye contact of the couple in question. Although both females, Cahun uses the mirrors to divide up the image as she exploits her androgynous physical nature. Note how Cahun (left) is looking away from the mirror and is dressed like a man to the outside world, however, Moore (right) is peering into the mirror, suggesting she prefers the side to Cahun that is not socially accepted. Marcel Moore looks into the mirror smiling as she is excited by the alternative side to Cahun, which can be fundamentally be seen as subversive which reflects the couples life as they often went against authority, for example, in Jersey during the occupation, they created anti-Nazi propaganda. Contrastingly, Cahun who faces the real world has a blank facial expression as she creates this sense of a facade as she cannot expose her feelings to society as it was not acceptable.

Although the image is not what we’d expect of a family photograph, Cahun does display the struggles her and her partner faced to be with one another as they tried to create a family, especially in the small community of Jersey.

I thoroughly enjoy the meaning of this image as a couple from the early Twentieth century challenge society’s pretensions and they act loyal to their subversive nature. The more I study on the work of Claude Cahun, the more interesting and meaningful the images become as although she started her photography over a hundred years ago, her contemporary style is very fitting to modern day society. This image also inverts expectations as we’d expect a lesbian to promote homosexuality and paint it in a pretty picture, however, Cahun focuses on the struggle she faces for being different, which fundamentally, led to global attention she has received now she’s dead.


Both photographers I was lucky enough to meet  (Tanja Deman and Jonny Briggs) adopt the ‘surrealist’ approach to their photography despite the artists having different meanings and approaches.

What is surrealism?

“a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature which sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images.”

Avant – garde developed in the mid 1800’s as artists produced more radical or unorthodox work which opposed mainstream society and inverted social expectations.

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The driving point behind selecting the study of surrealism is the focus on the inversion of society’s expectations as photographs should be iconic and recognisable. The unique nature of the art genre allows a dynamic approach and there is no limits, an exciting factor. For me, the surrealist images I’ve studied are amongst the most interesting I’ve viewed since my thorough study of the subject.

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A photographer who followed the surrealism criteria who lived locally from 1937 until her death in 1954 was Lucy Renee Mathilde Schwob or more commonly known as, “Claude Cahun”.

Société Jersiaise

Tuesday 13th june 2017

We spent all day at Société Jersiaise on tuesday with international photographers Tanya Deman and Jonny Briggs along with The jersey photographic archives worker Karen, the communications assistant. The day was divided up into workshops of 45 minutes were we had talks from all three and also completed small tasks relating to there work.

The first session that i did was with Tanya and she discussed with us about what shes been getting up to in jersey and what she hopes to do and link back to her photography. Tanya is a photographer from croatia who is over in the island for 6 months on a placement with the archives. She also spoke about how she has used the jersey photographic archives and then gone out and visited similar areas. One aspect of what she said about how she was going about taking her photographs was that “through key words she got to certain artists”. this seems to be something she has focused on with her photography. I also took away from the session with Tanya that “looking from above can help develop deeper ideas” and this is something i want to keep in mind throughout this project.

Tanya then got us to look through the photographic archives and began to use it to look for photographs of buildings and St Helier and chose images that inspired us or grabbed out attention. She then set us a task to capture two images of buildings around St Helier that we thought were ugly and then try to think about composition and how it could emphasise the unattractive buildings. Here are my images:

My next session was with Jonny Briggs, a contemporary photographer from London, who had some really interesting ideas about were his ideas come from. He spoke about how most of his images involve a lot of body language which he feels helps the images to tell a story and how his photographs are like “the products of private performances” i found the way Jonny spoke very inspiring the more he spoke about how he “thinks like a mindmap” and that “artwork is like an arena where there are no right or wrong answers”. His talk taking us through different pieces of his work also discussing the idea of how his images are meant to be confusing he likes that his images make people have to think deeper about what is going on and that he uses photography as “the opportunity to confuse and bruise” as he doesn’t know where the ideas come from most of the time.

Jonny then also set us a task to take one of the ARchisle photographs of a soldier and do something with the photograph which is a bit weird and abnormal and then rephotograph the image and get us to talk about the meaning of the images and how objects and manipulating the images with tears can change the message behind the photographs. Her are my images:

The final session was with Karen Biddlecombe, the communications assistant working for Archisle which was founded in 1914 and contains over 80,000 images. She spoke us through the archives and what has been done over the years to create its extensive selection of resources as well talking us through some of the images from one of the most famous photographers they have at Archisle, Henry Mullins. We also completed a task where there was 18 photographs all from different decades back until the 1840’s and we had to look at them and analyse them and put them into order from which we thought was the most recent to the oldest portrait image they had in the archive.

Overall i thought the it was a really interesting day which opened up my eyes to some really interesting new photographers but i also got a good insight into the jersey photographic archives and how i could use the archives in my future photography to create narrative and a deeper background picture to my images.

Societe Jersiaise Experience

On Tuesday 13th June, we visited Societe Jersiaise to do several workshops with Jonny Briggs and Tanja Deman, (the Archisles artists in residence), and Karen Biddlecome (the Communications Assistant at Societe Jersiase).

At the beginning of the day, we were split into three groups. We then participated in three 45(ish) minute workshops, with a 15 minute break between each one.

Our first workshop was in Tanja Deman.

She spoke to us about the images she had been looking at on the archives, which inspired her work for the Archisles project here on the island. She was particularly interested in the north coast of Jersey, and took her photos around the north coast, underwater at different tides.  She gave us the task of taking two photos of the ugliest buildings we could find in St Helier, using the archives to help us decide where to go in St Helier to take the photos.

Here are my final images.



Our second workshop was with Jonny Briggs.

Jonny spoke to us about his photography and his inspiration for his photographs. He spoke about how his dislike of photography got him into photography, and how he uses photography as a socially acceptable way to ‘be naughty’ and rebel. He set us the task of taking one of two photos from the archives, and manipulating them physically, then rephotographing it.

Here is my final image.

Our final workshop was with Karen Biddlecome.

Karen spoke to us about the archives, and the history of Societe Jersiase. We did an exercise where she showed us photos of children from different eras from the 1840s to 2010s. We had to figure out which photo was from which era. She also showed us how to use the archives, and had us search a photographer who photographs family or environment on the archives.

After Lunch…

…We looked through people’s images they had taken in response to the tasks we had been set by Jonny and Tanja. Everyone presented their photos responding to Tanja’s task, and each person stood up and spoke a little bit about their photos of ugly buildings. We had a brief discussion about each one. We then looked through some people’s responses to Jonny’s task, and discussed those and the meaning behind what we did.

Société Jersiaise

The Société Jersiaise is a local archive available to Jersey CI as well as collecting information and images of other Channel Islands such as Alderney, Guernsey and Sark. It is accessed by a website: 

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The Société Jersiaise was founded in January 1873 by a small number of prominent Islanders who were interested in the study of the history, the language and the antiquities of Jersey. The main aim of Société Jersiaise is to preserve the history of the island for both tourists and locals. This shows how the island has changed and developed over time. They hold over 80,000 archival imagery dating back to 1840’s to more current images.

On Tuesday 13th of June we visited Société Jersiaise to learn about the archive and work with 2 photographers Jonny Briggs and Tanja Deman, who are are contemporary, cutting edge artists that use photographic techniques as a vehicle to explore the themes of Family and Environment. They also use archival imagery as an integral part of their practice, and cross reference psychology, psycho-analysis and philosophy too. The two artists are very different in the way they work, so at first I was unsure what to expect and take from the experience.

I learnt about how A2 photography was more about the meaning and background knowledge to your idea or concept. I realised this after our mini workshop with Jonny Briggs, who spoke about his background as a child growing up and how this then provides meaning to his photographs he now creates. I also learnt about achieves, which I were not really aware of, through the mini workshop with Tanja Deman and Karen Biddlecombe. This showed me that I could explore different types of media to use in my photographic work and to broaden my knowledge of Jerseys past as well as my own family archive.

What is an archive?

A collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institutions, or a group of people.


Jonny is a London born photographer, who has a different approach to the world of photography.  All of his fine art photography has an underlying meaning, which is mostly relate to his family.  Jonny spoke about his difficult relation with his father as his father struggled with a mental disorder, which made it hard for them to have a ‘normal’ father and son relationship. He revealed that at the beginning he did not like photography but felt he was drawn to it for this reason, the idea of being attracted to something that repulses you.

Jonny gave us the task to reconstruct an image that had been taken from the archive and we had to change the image to make it our own and we also had to provide an explanation to why we reconstructed it this way. This was my take on his task:

My reasoning behind this is it is supposed to show how the soldiers in the war did not leave the same person as they went in there as. I ripped his face, not completely but slightly revealing the pattern underneath the photo. This is supposed to represent their loss of identity and the damage they will be experiences not just physically but also mentally so this represents that their minds will never be the same after what they experienced.

I enjoyed Jonny’s workshop the most as it was the most interesting and I liked how there was always a meaning behind his photographs.

Tanja Deman

Tanja Deman is a contemporary artist working in the medium of photography, college and public art. Her art is inspired by her interest in the perception of space, physical and emotional connection to a place and her relationship to nature. She spoke to us about the images she had been looking at on the archives, which inspired her work to produce a project on the island of Jersey.

Tanja gave us a task to take 2 photos of ugly building in St.Helier, using the archives to help us decide where we wanted to go to take photos. These are my 2 photographs I took:

I felt this image was an ugly as the colours are faded and dull. The wall itself is clearly worn out, with crumbling scratches and marks showing disrepair, making it look extremely tacky and deteriorated. The metal bars remind me of sell bars in a prison or some sort of cage bars, behind the bars are pitch black, which empathises how the picture looks dull and worn out.

I chose this photograph as an ugly photograph because the tall buliding itself is ugly, repetitive and tedious. There are small black square repeated in rows in a basic shape of a rectangle, there is nothing exciting or attractive about this building. This is contrasted with the beautiful clouds in the rich blue sky as this is classed as a pretty sight.