Finals: Project Garlic

Within my 10 hour photography exam, I was able to produce three final pieces for my coursework task. The collection of images were an attempt to portray the general struggles that nature endures due to the detrimental effect of humans, as well as humans attempting to rekindle a broken nature.

Primarily, I produced ‘Project Garlic’, fundamentally a collection of photographs displaying different angles of a half-used garlic. I attempted to take a typo-logic stance, linking to Karl Blossfedlt, as I felt it was necessary to show human’s destructive nature from a variety of perspectives which is the concept I tried to portray.

The image on the left is my edited prototype of my final before I added in the black’stroke’ around the edge of the image as well as inbetween the cracks. The image represents a human trying to re-piece a garlic with severe emphasis on the hand as the correct garlic formula is ambiguous.

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