Before my studio session, I attempted to take some still life pictures in and around my home. The outcome is varied but the process enabled me to understand the value of a sufficient camera rather than using my iPhone. However, I only used my phone in this circumstance due to the limited access to a camera but these pictures wouldn’t be used for my finals and the purpose of this task was just to get a feel for taking close up images of objects.

I thoroughly enjoyed creating this scienario as I gathered the wooden crate, a bunch of bananas and fishing line. I tied up the bananas using the fishing line and then threaded the line through a gap within the box, giving the impression the bananas are hanging.

The purpose of the hanging bunch of bananas within the wooden crate is to help portray how man kind has contained nature. The bruises upon the banana demonstrate how nature is damaged due to human’s narcissistic behavior and ignorance towards the natural world. As stated on one of the bananas, the bunch in question were grown in Brazil, which is home to a big sector of the natural sensation that is the Amazon. The Amazon rainforest, however, despite its beauty, has been a subject of human destruction as the rainforest has been ransacked in order for locals to make a living. This cruel circle signifies the detrimental effects ‘supply and demand’ have upon the environment as in this image the group of bananas is a visual representation of natures struggle and in particular the Amazon. Not only does this affect various types of plantation, but the destruction of trees etc… means animals such as birds and monkeys struggle to find a habitat to live in, leaving them overly exposed to bigger predators. By creating and staging this photograph, I wanted to express my concern with man kinds forever growing greed and inconsiderate global dominance over nature.