
“Typology is the study of types, and a photographic typology is a suite of images or related forms, shot in a consistent, repetitive manner.”

Karl Blossfedlt (1865-1932) was a German artist and teacher who gathered photographs in close proximity to allow his art students to see the object in question from all sorts of angles, making creating the picture easier. He usually took close-up photographs of deceased plants. Having publish his work in 1929, fellow artists and photographers developed on the idea of typologies in photographs.

Typologies are a great technique for developing ideas closely and in detail as the close proximity of the photos forces you to see all angles of photographs. By utilizing the technique of typologies I can gather a series of photographs together in an attempt to alter the way the average man views nature around us, hopefully understanding the true beauty that the world posses.

Here are some examples of flower typologies…

The Concept

I plan to experiment with placing vibrant coloured flowers against plain, mundane backgrounds to represent how the human species is over taking naure. By taking flowers, (a representation of nature), out of their natural environment and placed into a man-made scene it demonstrates the over powering dominance of mankind.  The warm and cheerful colours of the flower will connote nature as beautiful and elegant, against an intense plain background. I intend to change the way people view the natural world in an ambitious attempt to eliminate human ignorance towards the care of our natural environment.

Action Plan

For my own interpretation of Mapplethorpe’s work, I’m going to use a black bed sheet to provide a similar background to the one Mapplethorpe created, hopefully giving the same effect. I could also utilize the school’s studio which has a black, white or green background in, giving me the opportunity to change the colour of the background which would make my work stand out as long as I find the correct colour balance. The school studio also provides a key light, a fill light and back light which will enable me to attain the correct lighting for the photo shoot. The object in question will be a selection of flowers that I either pick, or buy from the local market. I will be sure to select a multitude of colours in order to trial out what colours work the best. In terms of cameras, I will use the 100mm lens that I can borrow from school. The short lens will allow me to get close to the object whilst maintaining the correct proportion of detail.