Edits from Street Shoot-Theme red


“Little Red Riding Hood”-Bethan Crawley

When editing these photos, I wanted to have a set theme throughout. As I am still taking inspiration from the photographers Christope Debon, Bruce Gilden and Trente Parke. I’ve changed the Saturation of all the image to black and white. 

The Genuine Jersey Men
Societies Cap
Life’s Red Block
“Mummy Look!”-Bethan Crawley
Old Folk

Original ; Edit Best Images from Street Photography

Some Edits from the Street Shoot


When editing my images I have again used the photographer Christophe Debon as my main inspiration. I changed the saturation of all the images to make them black and white.


I also edited the contrast and the lighting of the images. I added more contrast to show a clear and defined definition between  the dark and the light.



I really like this image of the three men on the bench, because the composition and the framing was very natural. I didn’t ask these men if I could take a photo of them because i felt that their position and natural composure would change.


For the image above, I experimented by adding a bit of color to the final edited image. Like all the other images, I first changed the saturation by making it  black and white. I then decided to add the girls hair and lip color back into the image. I think this creates a cool effect and I subtle difference to the other images.


Market Street Photography






On a school trip, I went to the market in town to take more street photographs. I am really happy with the outcome because I knew I tried everything I could to get the best images – and it worked! I spoke to all the stallholders. I asked if they would let me take photographs of them and there stall to combine street photography with environmental portraiture. The majority of them said that would be fine and only a handful said they would rather not which was understandable.

I once again tried to link shutter speed in but mainly focused on capturing crisp and clear images. I also tried a technique that most street photographer use nowadays which is capturing pictures very subtly by having the camera by your waist only – not holding up to your eye and just seeing the final product from a very discrete approach. Most of the time I would only get the feet or the space above their head in the frame but some worked out well.

I encountered something I didn’t expect whatsoever on my trip around the market; after taking the pictures of the two ladies with her arms around each other at the bakery, they gave me their emails to send me the pictures I took of them! I thought this was a nice touch to a successful shoot.

I learnt form this photoshoot that you have got to have courage and be confident to ask strangers for their permission for their photograph to be taken because it’s worth a try! You’ve got to smile as well because this always helps if your subject is aware you are friendly!

If I did this type of shoot again, I think I would use a tripod to provide stability and consistency in my images.

Best Three Images;

Town Street Photography


Town Street Photography X Shutter Speed

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Over the weekend I went into town and carried out a photoshoot for street photography but also tried to combine shutter speed with some of the images. I am happy with the outcome but if I was to do the shoot again, I would go into town on a busier day, for example, Saturday instead of Sunday to get more atmospheric photos that tell more of a story. There would be more opportunities for creative shots.

Best Three Images:

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The same day I was in town taking street photographs, I also attempted to capture images with a shutter speed of 1/60 of a second to get a crisp and clear look to them. Only a few turned out well but of these few, I will edit them to hopefully look better!

I tried to do some photography in the style of Bruce Gilden’s portfolio – ‘Face’. However, I didn’t use the public to start with, I used someone I know to experiment; so next time I go out, I will attempt to capture the faces of strangers to get the element of surprise like Bruce Gilden focuses on. The images that this is demonstrated in are evident; they are the close ups.

Best Three Images: