Here are a few examples of images that I’ve taken with a formalism aspect to them. I choose to edit them into black and white because it reveals the tones and shadows more.
All posts by Anna Houiellebecq
New Objectivity
Here is my response to the Typology Study. I walked around the village in St Aubins taking photos of different doors that I walked past. Once I collected a range of different doors, I cropped each image so that they were all about the same size. I then placed all the images in a collage to show. I am happy with my result, and I now understand more about what Typology is about.
Certain Walk
On the way to the Art Center for the Climate Change Exhibition, we had to take twelve images of the Landscape that we walked past. As we were walking through town the landscape that we saw was Urban Landscape, and therefore I mostly decided to capture the buildings. Here are the twelve images I took.
Here are a few edits of the images that I took on the certain walk. I mostly chose to edit them into black and white because it defines the shadows within the image, and helps highlight the light areas.
Climate, State of Emergency-Exhibition
On Tuesday 10th January, we visited the Art Center where they were having an exhibition of an International Photo Competition from 2015. The exhibition was done by the Alliance Francaise Foundation. It contained a selection of images from varies photographers that submitted work into the competition. Each photographer looked at a very different concept of climate change.
An amateur photographer called Antonio Ponciano, who is 27 years old, focused on an aspect based on the New Topography ideas. He captured the realistic and true view of climate change, and how it effected the lives of people. He took both these images in Peru. I really like the photos by Antonio, because he has not manipulated the situation, he has simply captured the truth of what climate change has done. I also really like how he has edited the images into black and white, because it makes the tones stand out more, and creates more contrast.

An Amateur photographer called Somennah Mukhopadyay, aged 47 years old, used juxtaposition in his chosen images. Like Antonio, Somennah focus’ on the way climate change effects the lives of people. However instead of focusing on Peru, he has chosen India. The main connotations when I think of India is bright colours, and this goes with the style of this photographer because his images are full of colour. The first image from Somennah’s selection shows drought created by climate change. The second image shows the flooding caused by climate change. They are both very different aspects, but both show the problems that many people face.

A photographer called Rodrigo Eduardo Marta Moctezuma, aged 35 years old, submitted photos for the competition taken in Mexico. Unlike the other two photographers who focused on the effect Climate change has on people, he chose to focus more on the Landscape. Rodrigo’s style is very romanticized with the warm colours of the orange sunset being in the focus of the images. Both these images are very slimier with the flat landscape in the foreground, and the mountains in the background. It creates a sense of depth. Although the images are in the style of Romanticism, neither of the photos are full of colour, which is why I like these images. The sky and the ground are in equal proportions, which creates a natural feel to the photos. Both these photos focus on the drought caused by climate change. and how it effects the landscape.

The image below is my favorite image from the Exhibition because it is different from all the other images. The other photos in the gallery had a very different perception and view of what they were capturing, where as, with this image, the photographer is looking downwards towards the child. This creates a completely separate way of how you look at the photo. It suddenly creates a dimension that helps you believe you were there when the image was taken. It makes the image more realistic, and with the bright colors and the expression seen on the child’s face, it makes the image have personality.
Natural Landscape-Sand Dunes
Here are the best edits from the sand dune Natural Landscape Shoot.
Natural Landscape-North Coast
Here are the best edits from the North Coast, Natural Landscape shoot.
Best Photos from Uncertain Walk
Landscapes – Romanticism