Final Images for Landscape

These images were all inspired by Typologies. Typology is the study of types, and a photographic typology is a suite of images or related forms, shot in a consistent, repetitive manner. This series of images I have created show the different and wide range of typologies I am surrounded by.

The angle of the 6 images are the same/similar. They are all taken from a high angle to show the whole leaf, showing the details within the leaf. There are shadows and highlights on the leafs where the light has been weak or intense, creating the contrasts within the individual photographs. This therefore creates a contrast between the light background and the darker images of the leaves. The positions of the leaves are all different but still look fairly similar, 2 of the leafs are directly upright, 2 are slightly tilted to the left and the other 2 are slightly tilted to the right. The  leaves are exposed very gently, drawing out certain features of the leaf such as the midrib and the veins in the leaf. The light was directly above me as the photographer and the leaves, although the light is intense in parts of the photo, the light also almost seems soft and gentle on the leaves. The focal point with each individual image is the leaf, however there is no distance or depth added to the image.

I put the images in a group of 6 as i felt that they were similar images and worked well together and was inspired by Karl Blossfelt. For my final piece i created a black border as the image is very formal and felt it suited the theme of the image. 

I chose these images because they contrast with the grid of 6 leaves photos as they are natural and honest. However, the images of the man-made structures are  informal and more creative so this contrasts with the image of the leaves.  All of the images in this group of 6 are similar in a way but also have differences within them such as: the height, the shape and the colours.

This image is similar to the first one i presented as the angles are all from a high angle, they are all images of the ground. The images are of bark, leaves, small plants and sticks.  These images don’t have a particular focal point as they are pattern type photos.  This image shows nature in its purest and honest form.