Rankin- Best Photos Analysis


Here I wanted to use chiaroscuro lighting I did this by using the torch from my phone and held it up next to his face as I took the picture with the other hand. I also used the drum sticks as a sort of  blindfold this covered his eyes. On this picture I wanted to focus on the phrase “The eyes are a window to the soul”. This photo perfectly shows my brothers personality as it shows that sometimes my brother using drumming as a barrier to talk or to talk to people. A barrier to talk about the serious stuff and doesn’t always let people see his true self but instead his talent. When editing this photo I wanted to make it black and white as I thought it would look more striking. I also increased the contrast a decreased the brightness slightly.

In this photo I wanted to cut his face in half using the symbol of the drum kit but also make it look like he’s hiding behind exploring the same idea as my previous photo. When editing this photo I made it black and white and increased the contrast as well as the brightness. I like this photo because it feels dramatic, it feels like he is staring into you not at you. It really has the eerie feeling I wanted it too have with the seriousness in his eyes and the dark setting behind him.


Here I used over head lighting to make this intimidating feel to the photo. I chose to make it black and white because gave the dramatic feel I wanted it to. When editing the photo I wanted only part of his face to by shown so did this by turning it black and white and increasing the contrast dramatically. This also picked up on the shadows made with his eye lashes and enhanced them.

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