You will now have 2 weeks to explore a range of ideas and techniques that demonstrate a creative understanding of identity and self portrait.
D e a d l i n e = F r i d a y 2 n d D e c e m b e r
You will be encouraged to provide ample evidence of the following…
- a mind-map that shows your ideas and influences
- a mood-board to show your visual influences
- a definition of self-portrait and identity
- a case study that shows your understanding of an influential photographer, including analysis and interpretation of a key image
- a range of photo-shoots to underpin your mini-project, inspired by your chosen photographer
- a selection of the most successful photos from your initial photoshoot(s) including SELF PORTRAITS
- formal analysis of your strongest image
- a range of editing and presentation techniques
- a final image ( or group of 2 , 3)
- an evaluation of your entire process, including screen shots and comparisons to the work of others…
HOMEWORK = 1-3 photo-shoots (50-150 images per shoot)
Themes you could choose from…
- gender identity
- cultural identity
- social identity
- geographical identity
- lack of / loss of identity
Look carefully at the examples in this link to help you with ideas…
And refer to the powerpoint we have used in class to discuss a range of artists and their approaches to identity / self-portrait…
research and explore ways to present your work
- A5 / A4 / A3 PRINTS (colour or b/w)
- in mountcard
- on foamboard
- structurally / 3-d
- other ?
Keywords to use for this unit…
- perception
- viewpoint (POV)
- genre
- context
- composite image
- collage
- montage
- signs
- symbols
- metaphors
- codes
- juxtaposition
You may want to explore personal possessions or personal spaces
or look at Jason Travis’ work…
Or…Leland Bobbe (NYC) and his photos of ripped and torn posters on the streets and subways
Research and show various ways to present and display your final images…