3 Step Analysis of a photograph (emotional response)




Dorothea Lange

My initial feeling for this image  is that i am interested in it and feel connected to it. I feel emotionally connected to this image as it tells a story and . The image is dramatic and immediately stood out to me due to the contrast between light and dark. The placement of the people in the images makes it have more depth and not just be a pointless photo. The photographer has placed the woman in the center, breaking the rule of thirds, so that she is the focal point to the image drawing your eye to her.


Daniel Joseph Martinez

I didn’t have an immediate positive emotional connection to this image however i was intrigue by the image as it is an abstract photo and different to normal portraits i have come across. This image contains leading lines by he scar on the mans head and leads my eye through the image. my feelings towards this image is sad as it makes me think something bad has happened to him to need an operation. the use of colour blue also indicates a cold tone to the photograph.


Cindy Sherman

I immediately didn’t like this image because the photo looks as though it is fake and the stance the woman is doing makes me feel uncomfortable. i also do not like the clashing colours that make the image bold. i feel that the whole image doesn’t fit together and there is no story behind the photograph. The photograph is breaking the rule of thirds and is in the centre of the image to capture your eye however due to the lack of depth i am still not drawn towards this image.

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