After researching and finding inspiration from the brilliant artists Goussin and Hortense, Kim Preston and Steven Hirsch I was ready to complete my ocean pollution shoot. Originally this idea was simply inspired by the massive problem of waste disposal in our ocean’s ecosystem. My aim for this shoot was to use a number of different documentary and abstract techniques to truly capture this issue as well as intrigue my viewers. These finals below will most likely be split up into my documentary and symbolism categories that I am using to fully explore each environmental subject throughout my project.
When finding the sources of pollution to capture from the water, I found that it was all washed up on the beach, to be later swept out to sea again at high tide. Because of this, I decided to use the category of conservation photography known as ‘The carefully crafted image’. By doing this I was able to pick up evidence of ocean pollution from the beach and capture it in a dramatic and powerful way floating on the water’s surface. The message I am hoping to portray with my final results is the reality of this issue, and how it affects every corner of the world. Because of the pollution I found and used in this shoot, the results below will go really nicely with my plastic pollution symbolism shots as well as my connected beach clean ups. The location I decided to use was one of my favourite small beaches near Faldouet because of is interesting and diverse background/surrounds. To complete this shoot was not as easy as I had planned and I ended up running into some equipment problems, having to improvise with what I had. Unfortunately, just before I went out, my iPhone broke down, this meant my underwater phone case could not be used. Luckily for me, I was able to borrow my mother’s iPhone 7 and her waterproof case, but unfortunately, I could not actually capture anything when the phone was fully submerged. However, I still went forward with my plan of using the rubbish accumulated at the location to create interesting photographs using natural light and my phone above the surface. Below is a visual description of what I was planning to use to complete this shoot compared to what I ended up with…
This contact sheet above shows all of my favourite clear and interesting above water shots. As you can see I did manage to take a few photographs underwater although it would only work 1/10 times and the quality is very poor. When editing these images I cropped them down massively to only include the most important and interesting features. Below are my 8 documentary/abstract finals for looking at ocean pollution…
This first final is a documentary style photograph depicting the waste I found on Faldouet beach that would later be washed into the sea at high tide. To capture this image I carefully gathered the biggest examples of pollution together and let them float on the surface as an example of public pollution reaching the sea. I chose this as a final outcome for this shoot because of the images high-quality (for and iPhone), interesting subject composition and amazing natural colours. With this photograph, I hope to get across the message that this problem is real, effects all areas, and is rapidly getting worse. I like the calm sense you get from the flat and clear sea as it strongly contradicts the travesty of the plastic floating on top. Compared to other historical evidence of ocean pollution this image is very tame, however, because of is centred subject and beautiful scenery I think it can get across a very clear warning that we are destroying this ecosystem.
These next two finals are my other documentary style edits that I believe can clearly get across my message. By using straight photography techniques I have created a sense of this harsh reality and given my viewer a way to clearly analyse the subject matter and better understand this collection. The first image on the left depicts a plastic bag spread out and floating on top of/underneath the surface. I love the effect making this image black and white has, as it creates this sense of dread and makes the subject appear more ominous. I chose this image out of my 300 or so originals because of the way the bag is spread out at this one specific moment, making it unmistakable for anything else. The next photograph on the right shows to plastic bottles floating in front of a pier. I really like the symmetry and parallel composition of the subjects and the way they have reflected the natural light. Again I think this image is much more effective in black and white as it gives it a very dark and gloomy overtone, perfect for getting across the depressing meaning behind the photograph.
For my first abstract final of ocean pollution presented above, I have captured a close-up image of a plastic bottle floating on top of the water. This final, as well as the ones below, are all inspired by the beautiful work of Steven Hirsch and his take on capturing the surface and pollution of water. I decided to take this image when noticing the inside of the bottle start to steam up and create an array of interesting colours. This effect, mixed with my adjustments made in post production is what has created this vibrant and intriguing piece. The meaning behind this image is to draw the viewer’s attention with its surreal beauty. I think this is an important technique to include in my pollution project as not everyone reacts well to straightforward portrayals of the truth. I also like the subtle definition of this piece as I believe it is possible to work out what the subject is from the indents of the rings around the bottle as well as the many emphasised water droplets on the side.
These three finals above are a mixture of colour and black and white abstract pieces intended to capture the viewer’s interest and make them think about the context themselves. The meaning behind the photographs is to show something that has devastating repercussions in a beautiful way, thus subtly informing the public of one of modern society’s biggest environmental problems. In this context the pictures may be considered as fine art photography, meaning that my message may be able to get across to people who would have no interest in conservation photography. The first colour final on the left is a low angle shot of a plastic bottle and its reflection on the ripples of the water’s surface. I like the confusing and abstract look of the bottle that was created by using a very shallow depth of field. The next outcome in the middle shows the bottom of the bottle, seemingly melting down onto the calm black ocean surface. Lastly, the photograph on the right is a cropped close-up of all three pollution subjects I used in the shoot. I like these items together and their proximity along with the water in between says a lot about this issue.
My last final displayed above is an abstract piece that was heavily inspired by one of Steven Hirsch’s beautiful examples of water pollution. The smaller image on the right shows the piece from his project capturing the pollution in Brooklyn’s canal that I used as an inspiration when planning this shoot. My final is a recreation of this image created with a plastic bag placed just beneath the ocean’s surface. These types of photographs are also very much influenced by today’s modern consumer culture and the ever-growing problem of human waste. Like with Hirsch’s project and my previous abstracted outcomes, the meaning behind this image is to intrigue all types of viewers and subtly remind/inform them of this issue. I love the way I have captured the same kinds of ‘surface ripple’ effects as my inspiration but have done so in my own abstracted style. I also love how the natural light is intensified and distorted through the water’s surface, as well as the blue writing on the plastic bag creating a very interesting and twisted pattern.