All posts by Jasmin Ross



Specification Second Shoot

This shoot will be a real one which will be done outside on Wednesday 22nd March. I will be using the same model as i did for my practice shoot

First Location (People’s Park):
  • I have chosen this place for my first official shoot as it will be easy to work with, there’s lots of colours and many different locations within the park.
  • There is a chance of a few rain showers during the time i will be photographing but i may use this to my advantage and use it as Acid Rain and use umbrella’s to create dramatic photographs.
  • I will be using a tripod and most likely a self-timer due to the slow shutter speed i will be using and so then my images will be very clear. This means that this shoot will not be very big as i will be very critical and slow when taking these photographs.
  • My model will be wearing her day to day clothes as i want the photos to look like normal photos but then get more sinister but still have an element of normality.
  • Her makeup will be quite dark as i think this will work to create a dramatic look specially when i can only see her eyes when she is wearing the mouth mask.

Second Location (Victoria Avenue Beach) if enough time:
  • My model will most likely be suited on rocks or near the sea wall or maybe just simply walking along the beach.
  • If it is raining i will be using umbrella’s to create dramatic photos specially when they are in black and white with the gas masks.
  • My model will still be wearing the clothes in which i photographed her in before in the park.
  • She will also be wearing the same eye makeup.
  • As i am on the beach, i would like to be able to capture waves in my shots so i may have to adjust my settings and use a faster shutter speed to be able to capture them clearly and using a tripod may not be an option.
  • I got this inspiration from a couple of photographed i took back in AS when doing my landscape topic.


Practice Shoot

My exam is based on the high levels of pollution in China in which on a daily basis, have to wear mouth masks to help filter the toxic air. I have taken this to the extreme in which i will be creating multiple sequences of photos which the first photo will be my model happy in a beautiful environment, the second photo will be my model wearing a mouth mask and the third will be my model wearing a gas mask in a beautiful environment. The photos will slowly get darker and the last image will be a dark black and white photo to create drama.

I did a specification for my shoot previously in which i stated that i will do this shoot on Victoria Avenue beach and People’s Park. However due to weather conditions i was unable to do so which is why i did a practice shoot indoors using all the equipment necessary. I took some photos free hand, using a tripod and i used a timer due to the slow shutter speed i was using for most of my images.

This shoot was mainly for me to practice with Aperture and Shutter speed as i am not very skilled with them. I chose to photograph against the light as it is more difficult so required work with Aperture and shutter speed. Also i could not photograph in any other place as i had furniture and it is dark in the rest of my house so i was limited to what i could do. However, i do understand that they are not well composed and i will not be using these in my project, they were simply for me to get to grips with photographing with the mouth mask and gas mask. The pole in the middle of the window was difficult to work around but i was not concentrating this as i wanted to create a sharp and crisp image before i start thinking about composition.

All of these images are experimentation as i have many of the same image so that i could see what it would look like with different apertures and shutter speeds. This is also why i practiced using a tripod and self-timer.

These are the beginning images of my experimentation:

As you can clearly see, i was experimenting with aperture and shutter speed to see what i would need to do. This is also when i started using a Tripod because i was reducing the shutter speed and need to keep the camera still and level. I did this so that when i am outside, i will not spend a long time setting up as i now understand aperture and shutter.

Mouth Mask experiments:

As you can see, i was experimenting with both aperture and shutter speed as i was still using a tripod. I wanted to understand how they both worked so that my model did not have to spend very long in this mask as it is not the most comfortable thing to wear and it does restrict breathing slightly. So i had a limited amount of time as the light was fading and i did not want her to be in the mask for a long period of time. After this series of experiments, i will be able to set up my camera with the correct settings for a sharp and crisp image for my official shoots on Friday 24th March. I also tried adjusting the ISO but this made the image much darker so i left it on 100.

Experiments with self-timer:

Many of these photos are blurry as i could not get the self-timer to get a focused image but the last three in this gallery are clear and they are sharp and vivid which is what i want when i go to my official shoots later in the week and next week.

The Sharp Photos:

Gas Mask experimentation:

With the gas mask, i have a maximum of 20 minutes otherwise there is a risk my model could faint due to lack of oxygen. This is why i did not do these very well as i was rushing as i did not want to put her safety at risk also it is uncomfortable to wear. The light was fading at this point and i could not get the aperture right but this allowed me to understand that if the light is dark, then the mask will be very difficult to work with, but this means that i know to photograph the gas mask first if the light is fading. I understand that it did not help that the light was behind her but it has helped me learn what not to do when doing these portraits. During these i was still using the tripod and self-timer which is why many of them are blurry and it did not help that my dog kept moving and entering the picture.

  • I have learnt how aperture and shutter speed work and i am much better at setting up quickly
  • I understand that the light must not be behind the model as it makes a silhouette
  • I now know i will be using a tripod and most likely a self-timer to take the images
  • I cannot photograph the gas mask in fading light as it makes her eyes much darker and almost invisible
  • The mouth mask is easiest to photograph and i will have to find more interesting poses for the model when she is not wearing any sort of mask,




Experiment with Photoshop

Idris Khan:

It is hard to avoid the aspect of time when producing what ones sees as o photograph… my images are something that is not a frozen moment, but an image made up of many moments and that is created over time rather than taken.

He is a British artist who is based in London. His works draws from a diverse range of cultural sources such as art, music and history and he creates densely layered imagery. His work is both abstract, figurative and addresses narratives of history, cumulative experience and metaphysical collapse of time into single moments.

I have done an experiment to replicate his work using images from my previous project for A2. I chose a simple image of a chair and layered it 10 times and blended the image as well. It is not as densely packed as Idris Khan’s work however it is what an image of his would look like before completion.


Tanja Deman:

She is a Croatian artist, her work is inspired by her interest in the perception of space, physical and emotional connection to a place and her relationship to nature.

She works by incorporating photography, collage, video and public art to create evocative meditations on urban space and landscape.

I have done an experiment using inspiration from Tanja Deman who photo shops different environments together. My experiment was based on the photos from my personal study on the Jersey Lunatic Asylum. I used a photo of the back of the building and a photo of a single chair.  I did this using layers, blending and the paint tool, i also adjusted the opacity to make it seem like a ghost chair.


First Shoot Specification

My first shoot will be situated in two places: Victoria Avenue Beach and People’s Park. I chose these places to start as they are not the most beautiful places in Jersey, however i can make them look pretty using angles and colours. These places will be my experiment areas but if they turn out well then i will use them in my project.

I will be doing this shoot on Sunday Afternoon (19th March), I will be using my my friend Hannah as a model and she will be wearing normal clothes to make the photo seem as normal as possible. The first image will be in colour and it will be vivid. The second image will be the same pose and environment but she will be wearing a mouth and nose mask similar to the ones the Chinese wear during days of dangerous levels of pollution.

The second photo will be in black and white but it will be soft greys more than sharp and dark black and white. This is to mimic the effects of Smog which can be seen above. The third photo will be the same pose and environment again but this time, my model will be wearing a full face gas mask which has been lent to me by a friend and this time the image will be a very dark black and white, with high contrast and sharp focus.

Victoria Avenue:

  • The model will be sat on rocks or leaning against the sea wall or rocks, this is to make it seem less staged.
  • I will be using my Nikon D3200 and i will adjust the settings to suit the environment each time.
  • The model will be wearing her normal clothes but the masks will change.
  • I will edit the photos in Lightroom or Photoshop after the shoot.
  • I may also try shoot the second and third images in black and white directly then adjust them in Photoshop.
  • I am hoping that the weather will either be sunny and cloudy, preferably both as it will give me different atmospheres for my photos.
  • If it is raining, i will use this to my advantage and make my model seem like she is raining to try get away from Acid Rain.
  • I will place her as close to the water as possible as water always seems to make photos much more interesting.

People’s Park:

  • I will position my model most likely on benches or on the hills, i may also make some eery photos using the playground, this will add variation to my work.
  • I will be using my Nikon D3200 and i will have to change the settings due to the different colours and lighting.
  • I do not think that this will be as interesting as the shoot from Victoria Avenue as i do not think that the environment is as interesting because it is ever changing.
  • I think i will do this shoot first as practice and if i do get some images i like i will keep them.

New idea:

I think i will also take some images of my model just simply in the gas mask and only photograph the head and shoulders against the sky. I will then Photoshop Smog into the background to make it similar to a photograph taken by Alex Hofford of an activist protesting against the high levels of pollution in Hong Kong.

An activist from the environmental group Greenpeace wears a gas mask in front of a Hong Kong skyline thick with smog, Hong Kong, China, 23 March 2010. The city is experiencing record levels of air pollution, in part caused by dust storms coming down from northern China, but also caused by roadside air pollutants emitted by diesel vehicles and ships, as well as industrial air pollution from factories in China’s Guangdong Province. The Hong Kong Government has ordered all outdoor school activities in Hong Kong to be cancelled. EPA / ALEX HOFFORD

Pollution Levels in China

China: The terrible condition of the air in its cities is just one example of how this country, growing at breakneck speed, does not exercise sufficient control over its emissions. Development of this kind must take account of environmental risks, given that in just a few years it has overtaken the United States in terms of tons of COemitted into the atmosphere.

Top 5 worst countries:

Big City Pollution

Air Pollution:

  • Air pollution is the combination of Carbon dioxide and Methane increasing and so increasing the earth’s temperature.
  • It is the most dangerous of all the environmental problems, it kills around 7 million people each year or 1/8 deaths globally.
  • Indoor air pollution is the equivalent to smoking two packets of cigarettes a day if you cook and heat your homes using open fires.
What causes it:
  • Most of our air pollution is from energy use and the production of it, burning fossil fuels releases gases and chemicals into the air.
  • Passenger vehicles is one of the major contributors to our air pollution, they contribute to 75% of our carbon monoxide emissions. In urban areas, it can be up to 50% to 90% of our carbon monoxide emissions.
The effect of Air pollution:
  • Carbon monoxide is a odorless, colourless and is poisonous. It is responsible for over 430 deaths a year and the annual death from carbon monoxide for males is 0.22 per 100,000 and for females it is 0.7 per 100,000. 
  • Air pollution can induce headaches, nausea and allergic reactions. IT can also aggravate other medical conditions such as Asthma and Emphysema.  
  • There are long term effects such as Chronic Respiratory disease, Lung Cancer, Heart disease, and even brain damage. 
  • Apart from health effects, Air Pollution can also lead to a variety of environmental effects such as Acid Rain which precipitation containing harmful amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids. 
Smog and Soot:
  • Emissions from fossil fuels react with sunlight to produce Smog which is similar to Fog but it thick and stays for days, months or for 365 days a year in places like China.
  • Soot, is made up of tine particles of chemicals, soil, smoke, dust or allergens. 

Air Pollution in China in Real Time:

December 21 2016:


Alex Hofford

His blog:

Alex Hofford is a photojournalist who is based in Hong Kong, he has lived there for over a decade now. He uses the city as a base to cover stories in Greater China. He is also a regional representative for the European Press-photo Agency (EPA). He is British and has now a young family .

Since he arrived in Hong Kong, he has carried out over a hundred editorial assignments across the region as well as having worked in Asia but also in Middle East and Africa.

His works focuses on Environmental issues, he has done many assignments in the Pacific Ocean with Greenpeace, covering the problems of Marine Pollution, shark fining and over-fishing. His work is currently focusing on toxic e-waste, air pollution and solar power problems in China.

My opinion: His project on Air pollution relates to my idea of photographing the stages of pollution using a mouth and nose mask and a gas mask. I like that he focuses on very real issues which are affecting the real world in present time. Not many photographers focus on the environment but rather people instead which i think is boring after a while but nothing changes. People in undeveloped countries will always go through the same cycle of being born, getting ill from bacteria then dying. No amount of images will change the cycle and charities don’t seem to do much anymore. Whereas Alex Hofford photographs issues which the whole population of China and the world can change with simple changes such as walking and taking public transport instead of driving 5 minutes to the shop. The images he creates are different every time, they capture the eye as some are shocking to look at such as the Gas Mask images he created in collaboration with Clean Air Network.

Clean Air Network Website:

i want to change the world, i want the trees to grow again and the planet return to it’s full health but every government and rich boy is working against every person who wants to make a difference due to money. They ignore the warning signs because their is opportunity to earn 15 million in the next building project. Earthquakes caused by quarry explosions get blamed on tectonic plates when they aren’t even close to that country. Acid rain get’s blamed on air pressure and the increase in volcano explosions, tsunami’s, tornadoes, and hurricanes also get blamed on simply air pressure but what is causing this ‘air pressure’? Well this is due to the constant increase in Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen, the increase of global warming and the increased amount of oil accidentally spilling into the sea with the government not carrying and talking blankly to the media saying they are doing everything they can. They then return to their 5 million pound home and get waited on hand and food whilst those who care and walking in oil and rescuing animals covered in oil. They wouldn’t dare dirty their handmade suits.

His Images: 

Alex Hofford created this image with a student to protest against the road side pollution caused mainly by buses. This image is really well constructed as the main point of the image is complete focus and the second point which is the bus has motion blur which i think it really effective at drawing our attention towards the student with the gas mask. In china, they do not actually where gas masks, they were mouth and nose masks instead but at the rate the pollution is increasing, within a decade they may have to wear gas masks to protect themselves against carbon dioxide poisoning. The composition of the image is not very good quality, however it is meant to be messy and not perfect like a sunset photo because it is portraying a serious message. That if we do not control our pollution, our future, our children’s futures will be spent in gas masks. However, i think how the sky has been darkened to make the student, bus and buildings more prominent in the photo works really well as it draws our attention into the centre of the photo. Also the outline of the bus acts as a frame for the students head which makes the viewers eyes drawn to her. Another aspect of the image which is quite interesting, is that we cannot see her eyes very clearly and i think that works in Hofford’s favour as it adds tension to the image as we can not see her facial expression which keaves us guessing to what it is. Without any context, you can understand what this image is about but it also leaves many things up to the viewer’s imagination such as who the girl is, why she is standing next to a bus and why the photo is in black and white. This image relates to the Realism Art movement in the 1850s in which realists rejected Romanticisim which dominated French literature. They were against the exotic subject matter and exaggerated emotionalism. Realism’s purpose was to “portray real and typical comtemporary people and situations with truth and accuracy”. Alex Hofford wanted to portray the truth of students protesting against road side pollution with the use of gas masks. He did not set up this image, he wanted only there to capture what was happening in that moment.

An activist from the environmental group Greenpeace wears a gas mask in front of a Hong Kong skyline thick with smog, Hong Kong, China, 23 March 2010.

This is a similar photo to the one above taken by Alex Hofford. This photo is of a student activist who is protesting against the high levels of pollution in Hong Kong by wearing a gas mask. She is a symbol of the environmental group Greenpeace. She is standing most likely on a boat in front of Hong Kong who’s sky is thick with smog. The composition of this image is interesting because the background is very dull and boring but she is wearing a bright blue t-shirt and you can tell a flash was used as her face is brighter than it should be when there is no sun in the picture. I think this draws our attention towards her face and the gas mask which is the most crucial part of the image. The only problem with this image is that the skyline is slanted and i think if it was straight the photo would look much more symmetrical. I think the contrast in colour is meant to represent the stand that many Chinese people are taking to try and make people aware of the dangers of smog and the high levels of pollution in the city. The blue of the shirt may represent the colour the water should be but it is grey instead and it represents that the sky should be blue not grey and full of cloud every single day. Hofford attempted to use the rule of three as she is almost in the center but i think the flash on only her face partly ruins the consistency of the image. This image again relates to Realism which is the art movement of rejecting Romanticism which dramatized and over exaggerates emotions in paintings. Realism shows the raw truth of events and use the camera as a tool to portray it. They rarely manipulated images or used Tableaux photography to portray emotion. I think this is Alex Hofford has done, he has captured an image of an activist protesting against the high levels of pollution in Hong Kong and the only manipulation of the image is the flash. However, it has to be used due to the amount of smog making the daytime seem more like late evening.

Environment Ideas

ENVIRONMENT: When i think about environment, i think about the contrast between real jungles and the urban jungles, in the sense that urbanization is taking over the world and real jungles seem to be disappearing daily. Animals that were here before us, are getting killed for our pleasure and so that our population can grow even though it is clear that if we keep growing, the forests and jungles will decrease and so will our oxygen. Many people forget that we rely on our environment for clean air that we can breath that doesn’t kill us. The less trees, the more carbon dioxide which will lead to carbon dioxide poisoning and so on.

Many people believe that global warming isn’t real or that it isn’t going to effect but sadly it is going to effect the entire world and it already has. The snow gaps are melting as our air warms, this means gallons of water pouring into our oceans daily which is rising our sea level. Soon islands which we used to visit will no longer exist, New York will get permanently flooded but Jersey will be first.

Pollution is one of the biggest problems facing the earth, everything that it destroying our planet stems from pollution. Cars, Planes, Boats, Buses, Motorbikes etc.. all contribute to pollution as well as our electricity, our lights. Light pollution is real, when you look up at the sky and you wonder why you can’t see any stars this is because the light our island omits blocks out the stars. China is one of the primary sources for pollution, they have to wear masks to protect themselves, they do not often get to see blue sky, it is just grey now. Clouds are permanently over China due to the amount of cars and other vehicles on the roads 24/7 and the population of China is overcrowded and is still growing.

The government controls everything in our life and nothing we can do can change their mind on either building new houses and new offices. They will do as they please and do not care about the environment as they live in their luxury houses, waited on hand and foot and drink wine and champagne on a daily basis and they believe nothing can touch them. Well sadly carbon dioxide poisoning can magically bypass walls and windows, global warming doesn’t just effect the population who aren’t part of the government and the privileged. They will listen to no one as they only care about making money and the only way to do that is by destroying our environment and building houses and offices which people and companies will pay a lot of money to live in. However, what happens to the animals? where do they go? Do we have the right to destroy their environment just because we are classed as the superior race? If it weren’t for animals, we wouldn’t be here so we are basically killing our ancestors for money.

My first idea has originated from photographs created by Alex Hofford about Chinese people and the pollution in China. He created images with individuals wearing gas masks in ordinary places. I have been fascinated with the rate of pollution for a while as no matter what people seem to do, it doesn’t go down, this is mostly because the government controls everything and activists will never be able to get their message across to them.

This is why my first idea for my exam is to create a series of images which will be a set of 3 sequenced images going from a vivid image of an individual looking happy in a beautiful place on the island, the next image will be them wearing a white mouth and nose mask and the image will be in black and white but with low contrast so that it is not dark. The final image in the sequence will be the individual wearing a full face gas mask and the image will be very dark in black and white with high contrast and low exposure to add drama and to show the deterioration of our air.

A ‘Clean Air Network’ handout photo shows a primary school student wearing a gas mask in the street in Hong Kong to protest against the city’s high levels of roadside air pollution caused by diesel fumes from buses, trucks and minibuses, Hong Kong, China, 30 June 2010.

My second idea involves making comparisons between urban and natural environments. Real jungle vs Urban jungle. Creating images using trees then replicating them with the urban environment of Jersey. Which feels more like home to you? I will be creating dramatic images in either black and white or in vivid colour to represent the contrast/ the resemblance between them. I would also like to photograph images of trees cut down or damaged and make a comparison between building sites in the sense that trees are falling down/ being cut down whilst we are building things up. I will visit places in Jersey such as St Catherine’s and look up at trees and create images using the trees then go to town in Jersey and recreate these images using buildings instead of trees.

My third idea came from me seeing an image of a environment with a wine glass in the middle which flipped the environment upside down. I researched this photograph and found a photographer called Steve Brownstein, who created a book called the art of wine, in which he held up a glass filled with wine to different environments which flipped them upside. I think this could symbolizes that we need to look at our environment from a different perspective, the entire world needs to. The roles which humans play need to be flipped upside down as we need to start looking after and re-building our environment instead of destroying it. I could use clear water to represent those who are aware of the effects we have on our environment and blurry water to represent those who’s vision is clouded by money and who do not see the damage we are causing.