Shoot 2 experimenting:

All of my images were shot in standard non-filter fashion. To make the strongest image I experimented with the images that I have taken to see what looks the best. From the shoot as a whole it is clear to see that the black and white filter on the images makes it much stronger and tells more of a story to it’s audience. In my opinion the topic of environment is very black and white as a conceptual idea, this is because environment can be seen in 2 different ways, man made or natural. In this case man represents black and the nature represents white. This is because the white shows hope in the image but the black dominates and absorbs the focus of the image. Below are comparisons of the best images from the shoot compared to that of the standard colour version. Standard below, best top.


In my opinion the black and white version of the images in the shoot stand out much more in general, besides how they present more conceptual meaning than the colour version. Apart from the image in colour being more vibrant the b&w creates a stronger environmental portrait. I also chose the black and white images since the focuses on my chosen environmental artist references use the black and white, so I have created my own version of someone who has inspired me to do so. Lastly the subject stands out in the image a lot more in the black and white version since the contrast between the blacks of the suit and the white flowers is strong.


The theme between the images is continued through both comparisons in the ssame way, below will be more examples of the standard version and the edited version of the images.



In the case of example 4 it is clear that in the top image, before editing there was an interruption to the frame from a dog. However once the image is put into black and white the dog head is not visible and the image becomes much stronger, with the center focus of the subject in the middle of the gates.




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