combining prints – digital and physical


Here are my first attempts of combining my feminist and blonde stereotypes, I felt that these images would work well when combined because the different hair colours would make the split more obvious than other combinations of images. I also felt that these would work together because the blonde image features a blue background and a pink dress and the feminist image features a oink background and a blue jacket. A digitally combined these by using the quick selection selection tool and simply selected half of the corresponding image and layered it on top of the other. As you can see from the two potential images above, the image on the right worked better than the one of the left. Once the images were combined but not flattened into the same layer I altered the colour balance on the feminist side to try and make the skin tone match the other side so that the split was less jarring. I also moved the images as appropriate to make the hair lines meet as I it looked quite odd if they didn’t.

I also experimented with combining the photos in a more diptych fashion. I created this image by flipping the feminist horizontally creating a canvas in Photoshop that was long enough to take both images placed next to each other. I then selected the images in turn and placed them onto the same canvas. I then arranged them and cropped the as appropriate. Although I do like how this image looks I do think that the text that appears in the feminist image and on reflection it may have been a better idea to flip the blonde image instead.

I then experimented with combining physical prints of the the images in order to get the white ripped paper effect between the images. I actually found ripping the printed image quite tricky, I knew that I wasn’t going to get a perfectly straight line but I did find it challenging to control the direction of the tear. Despite the fact that the faces in the first manually combined image don’t match up exactly I feel that this one is the most successful. I want to experiment with these combined images further, perhaps with the addition of text.






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