Photoshoot 5 planning

I decided to do a 5th shoot to tie together the photographs I have previously made, also combining techniques I have used previously. I plan on making these portrait photographs. These photographs will feature similar locations and buildings featured previously but featured with different lighting. I also plan on taking photos from inside the garage I have previously photographed as well as the white house. I plan on working with different lighting such as light from at light as well as unnatural lighting. I really like the warm lighting contrasted with the cool shadows in the first photograph by Todd Hido, this use of colour is something I plan on emulating in my own photos.

One thought on “Photoshoot 5 planning”

  1. Make sure you produce a good blog post on how you photo book design and layout developed including annotation of though process and decisions made. Include screen shots of every page spread and make a hyperlink online book once uploaded to Blurb

    Make sure you have a solid final post with all final outcomes including tour photobook with references to all artists / inspirations etc

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