Side by Side

This shoot is really important, as the other shoots are more focused on a certain individual from the friendship group, and therefore this shoot show’s all the previous models together, except for the guy I took photo’s of and this is to make it feel as if he perhaps took the photos of the girls, and vise versa, they took the pics of him. Therefore that’s why there’s always someone missing in the adventures photographed, because it’s as if they were taking the photos. The girls from the swing, the girl playing the guitar, and the girl who went paddle boarding, altogether.

For this shoot, I choose this location as it’s one of the same places I shot the girl with the guitar, and it’s also remote and close to the sea. Which is similar to most of my shoots. Originally I was going to photograph them around the fire with the sunset in the background, however this didn’t work with the lighting because it would tend to make the photograph over exposed or underexposed, turning the people into silhouettes. Therefore I was pleased I shot images during this lighting.

The propping for this shoot was more difficult then expected, as the area which we did the bonfire was on the sand dunes so there was no wood for the fire. Therefore, before the shoot I had to collect the wood for it, however there wasn’t enough so we had to work with the dead marram grass, which would make the fire really big for a minute and then it would die down. In addition, we had to keep collecting lots of grass for the photographs to look good, the collecting of grass is shown in some of the images below.

The use of the models sunglasses makes the image more interesting, as one can see the fire reflected in the models lenses. Also the way the sun lights up the models hair makes it a very bright amber color, which works well with the fire in the foreground that looks as if it’s touching the models hair, who’s in the middle-ground. Therefore making the composition interesting.

In the image below, I tried to get the image to have the sunset in the background, but without allowing the people to become silhouettes. This was difficult as the sunset is over exposed, however i find it actually works in this image, as it creates an ambiance.

The image below relates to the quote;

“I always thought [my models] looked best when they were sitting in their pajamas smoking pot and getting pissed on a bottle of wine. So that’s what I documented. I liked the girls looking how they were naturally… ” Corinne Day 

The reason this quote links to the image, is because I’ve captured my models sitting around a bonfire and smoking, showing them in a natural manner and not posed. Also, these images documented the moment and not a posed image.


In the two images below I took them in a documentary style, the model not knowing they were being taken and capturing a moment/event, however they’ve ended up looking like fashion photography images, therefore making me think of the quote by Corinne Day;

“The best thing I did for fashion was bringing it down to earth, bringing a documentary quality to it.” Corinne Day 

I believe this is an important image from the shoot, as it’s very simple, and doesn’t have anybody’s faces giving away the emotions behind the scene. Therefore the viewer interprets the ambiance of the moment themselves.



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