ENVIRONMENT starting point

Survival Exterior  Atmosphere  Nature  Variety  Growth Imperfect  Wildlife  Vitality  Form Climate Rural Geographical Landscape Design Natural


Culture Development Uniformity Monotony Decay Robust Disposition Conflict Diversity Society Architecture Destruction Formation Technology Agriculture Synthetic

The word environment can be interpreted in many different ways but basically reflects ‘The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates’. The discussed in class how we could interpret and use this word in a our own work as well as given suggestions by the exam board. the main focus was the theme of the ‘natural world’ such as everything that is not man-made. We also discussed how this project could be based around our own social and cultural environment and even mental where we could explore our thoughts and emotions.

After looking at the environmental landscapes of photographers Richard Misrach and Michael Marten I was inspired to focus on the environment for my Exam. they focused on changes in the environments as well as how people changed the landscape. I plan on exploring the juxtaposition of the industrial and urban with the rural environment and how they effect and fight with each other. Above I have given a list of words, the first  section feature words relating to the natural landscape and the second portray how we have changed it. I also plan on focusing on how the earth re grows around and fights against man made structures, such as ivy growing over wall windows and cracks in concrete where mud and foliage has come through. I also plan on looking at the work of Joel Sternfeld who looks at abandoned and overgrown locations such as train lines thru ought America.

I plan on revisiting these photographers as well as exploring the work of photographer and artist Tanja Deman who explores the environment and the buildings and architecture of today. I think this project would be interesting to explore in jersey and the variety and culture thru ought each parish as well as explore how we have changed our island, this adds a more personal element to my project.

Physicalobserved and recorded environment

I plan on focusing on the physical alterations and effects of the landscape rather then the psychological (constructed and imagined environment). These physical changes are what is presented visually to the viewer, where everything is in front of them.

Exploring Binary Opposites

I plan on looking at binary opposites between the rural and industrial environment, I also plan on emphasizing this in over ways such as light/dark, east/west as well as colours and textures.

Natural and Synthetic Light

I plan on exploring the mix of natural and synthetic lighting in my work as an interesting example of this clash of environments.

Exploring the concept of “Environment” via artist research

Choose a key image from each of your chosen photographers / artists and find out as much as you can about that image and evidence the distinguishing features of the work, the concepts behind it and the context that the work is set in…

You should be on the look out for symbols, codes, conventions and metaphors that may be apparent in the work.

  • Always apply formal analysis to show your understanding of

  • Composition (rule of thirds, balance, symmetry)
  • Perspective (linear and atmospheric, vanishing points)
  • Depth (refer to aperture settings and focus points, foreground, mid-ground and back-ground, leading lines etc)
  • Scale (refer to proportion, but also detail influenced by medium / large format cameras)
  • Light ( intensity, temperature, direction)
  • Colour (colour harmonies / warm / cold colours and their effects)
  • Shadow (strength, lack of…)
  • Texture and surface quality
  • Tonal values ( contrast created by highlights, low-lights and mid-tones)
  • Then think, describe and explain how you can tackle the 4 Assessment Objectives below

AO1: Develop your ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding

AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements

and make an action plan that clearly shows your understanding of a specific way of exploring a type of environment…


Make sure you discuss…

The Concept = idea, intentions and outcomes of the imagery…how has it been interpreted?


The Context = eg : An environmental portrait is a good example of a photo that can combine impact and context. The subject is shown in his or her environment, and the surroundings provide information about the subject. A standard headshot shows what someone looks like, but an environmental portrait can speak volumes about a person

Example : The Auschwitz Album is a perfect example of the importance of knowing the context in which photographs were taken. For instance, the picture below is an innocent picture of women standing together in front of a building. They stand together with their babies and children, and seem happy to look at the photographer who is taking the picture. There is no sign of stress, no hint of violence; most of the women are calm – all except one who looks like she is trying to comfort a baby.

Birkenau, Poland, Jewish women and children in front of Crematorium III, 05/1944

Birkenau, Poland, Jewish women and children in front of Crematorium III, 05/1944

Yet, because we have the benefit of research, we know that these women are standing in front of one of the four massive extermination installations at Birkenau

In the gas chamber of this building (which is located below ground, perpendicular to where the women are standing), two thousand people at a time could be murdered. Behind the double windows of the building visible in the picture are fifteen ovens, vented through the chimney that is partly visible in the upper left-hand corner of the photo, used to turn the bodies of the unsuspecting victims (like those in the photo) into ash.


This is a useful link to help you understand, analyse and explain photographs


Suggestions for exploring “Environment”…

Tanja Deman // juxtaposition of changing environments // environments as temples of worship and culture //utopia // dystopia

Sculptural (photograph as object, combined with objects and ephemera or photographs as a response to a building or space ie environment)

Marlo Pascual (above)

“Pascual arranges the photos into simple, lackadaisical assemblages that she calls “props,” which rely primarily on found furniture. The images are all painfully elegant, and evoke the seductiveness of old Hollywood. In one photograph (all works untitled, 2009), a nude woman stands behind steamed glass—a scene from a movie descended from Psycho? A photograph of a set of crystal glasses is laser-cut and laid on the floor to look like it was dropped—or shattered by a single delicate stroke of a hammer. A joke about the fragility of the image, it is also a decidedly atmospheric work.”


Letha Wilson

One of a number of contemporary artists who are blurring the lines between photography and other mediums, Letha Wilson makes artworks that are as much sculptures as photographs. Amalgamations of photographic images and spray paint, lumber and concrete, these hybrid objects, medium sized and mostly wall hung, occupy territory also being explored by sculptors such as Rachel Harrison and Virginia Overton. An exhibition of new pieces (all from 2012) showcased Wilson’s adventuresome way with materials.

Thomas Demand

German Photographer Thomas Demand (born 1964) deals with inanimate objects and sterile interiors. He makes models of pre-photographed locations out of  styrofoam, card and paper but leaves subtle signs of imperfections, then re-produces the images on a grand scale…in doing he alters the meaning and narrative attached to the environment he is re-presenting…

Laurenz Berges


Laurenz Berges is German (Dusseldorf School) photographer. He tackles the notion of loss and removal…and often photographs both personal and shared environments. These can beintimate  interiors, or extensive exteriors.

Candida Hofer

Candida Hofer was a student of Bernd and Hilla Becher in Germany in the 1970’s. Her images are a response to glorious interior environments that explore the contrast between the intention and reality of public and civic spaces…without people interacting with them.

James Casebere

James Caseberes (USA) photographs small scale models that reduce an architectural space to a fragile set of surfaces…they disrupt our belief in the solidity of man-made spaces…what happened ? what happens next ?…we are left disorientated.

Rut Blees Luxemburg

Rut Blees Luxemburg (Germany) uses amber lighting and reflections as found in 1920’s and 1930’s style flash photography…but in a thoroughly modern context.

Chris Killip

Chris Killip is a British photographer. Taken in the late 1970s and early 80s, Chris Killip‘s photographs are a study of the communities that bore the brunt of industrial decline in the North East. This was a response to the decisions of the Thatcher government at the time and explore the environments that people were integrated with in the northern working towns.


Photoshop Experiment 1

  • You must show that you can COPY, ADJUST, BLUR and BLEND layers using Adobe Photoshop to create a set of images inspired by IDRIS KHAN / STEPHANIE JUNG


  1. Open a suitable image in Ad-Ph
  2. CTRL J to copy layer
  3. Move tool to shift image slightly
  4. Repeat 2 + 3 5-10 times
  5. Choose a range of BLENDING OPTIONS eg overlay / multiply / lighten etc
  6. Adjust OPACITY as needed
  7. Adjust individual layers as needed
  8. Add FILTER – BLUR – SHAPE BLUR / SMART BLUR if needed
  9. Flatten LAYERS
  10. CROP where suitable

Now make a blog post that illustrates your response to these artists…and explain how and why you arrived at your final response.

Extend your result…

Think about layering your image(s) onto acetate or glass and exploit the transparent qualities vs. opaque shapes, colours and tones

for example

Ardan Ozmenoglu



Photoshop Experiment 2

  • Show that you can use a range of function and techniques to create a composite image like those of Tanja Deman (below).
  • Many artists use cut and paste / collage techniques to change the context of their imagery…and challenge the way we look at the world and re-imagine our environment
  • Research cut and paste / digital collage techniques and ideas


  • Select  2/ 3 images that you think you can combine to create a composite image and open in Ad-Ph
  • You may need to select one image that you use as your BACKGROUND IMAGE
  • Select the object / building / person from another image that you want to add to your BACKGROUND IMAGE
  • Click CTRL J
  • Use the move tool to drag your selection across, then position
  • CTRL T or Free Transform to adjust shape and size of selected object
  • Check your layers panel on both images!
  • Now blend the edges in…
  • Add a LAYER MASK and click to activate it
  • Select a brush, adapt the size and reduce your OPACITY to 30%
  • Now click on the edges of your object to blend it in smoothly
  • Take care with this part…zoom in if you need to
  • You can then merge your layers, or flatten and save the image if complete
  • Add to your blog

Now Look at Mishka Henner’s work…and his use of satellite imagery, digital mapping and more to create a vision of how our environment is being forced to change…





Using two frame film / diptychs and juxtaposing images to alter the perception of your environment…

Luke Fowler

Link Here !!!
