Daria – image analysis

This particular image of hers I think is really interesting. I like how she uses herself as the subject within her images and this is something I plan on doing when responding to her. There is something almost haunting about this image, I like the blurred effect she created and is something I have experimented with throughout my project, and still plan on within the next shoot. The dark tones within the image are quite dark, but alongside the lighter tones of the background it enhances this darkness and adds to the haunting aspect  of the image. The way the dark tones have created this shadow around the eyes looks really captivating and it almost represents the darkness of her feelings (that she’d been holding in for years) being finally exposed creating this haunting effect. It looks as if she used natural lighting rather than studio lighting and I think that visually, it fits in with the troubling and sad context.


I like this image and it differentiates with all the other images she has chosen to present throughout her body of work. I really like the harsh lights throughout this image and the shadows creating hard lines and forms from the sun. Most of her other images are quite close up, and here you have the home environment which I think is crucial to include as this is the place where everything happened, the home where both her and her parents lived and is now just where her mothers depression has taken over her life. I like how she used natural light from the door, it definitely contributes to making the piece very interesting.


This image here, is really powerful and I think it represents her emotions getting  to her. Her expression looks fed up almost and the different harsh dark tones in the neck compared to the softer darker tones throughout the image works well and is really interesting to view. Her pose of holding her hands to her ears perhaps represent the fact that she is fed up at listening to her mother’s struggles and pain. Yet again, this image looks like it was taken in natural window light and is really interesting in the fact that this image looks quite old due to the darker tones throughout the background of the image.

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