After approaching certain elements throughout the story that I was told, I decided to only focus on a few aspects within the story. These two images here stand as representations of the situation where the victim went to the bathroom to clean herself up after what had happened to her. I like how in the first image, the bruise on the eye is quite evident and what she is holding is blood from a busted lip . I also like her expression, it’s quite strong the way she is just looking down at what he did to her (in disbelief almost). I quite like the second image (on the right), the way she is bracing herself using the sink (which is something she told me she did). It’s not that noticeable but there is a bruise on her right arm which adds authenticity to the image, and I quite like the fact that you cant see all of her face, what you can see is the messy hair and it fits in accordance with the story as she was dragged by her hair to the floor by her fiance. With the first image, what I could have done to improve it was to perhaps focus the camera to the left in order to get rid of the negative space that is located on the right side. However, this style reminds me of more of a documentary style which is what Ferrato’s images are inspired by.
I took these images here to show some marks that were left on her body. These images are quite similar and due to this, I will select only one as a possible outcome (and the same will be done to the images above). I like how in the lighting and composition of the first image, I used flash for this and I think it works with this particular image because captures the bruised eye, the messy hair and the fact that she is looking away from the camera represents the fact that not looking at someone in the eye represents weakness, thus suggests the state he put her in, and how he made her feel worthless, unimportant, ugly… all word she used herself. It also reflects and embodies similar qualities to photographers and images that a have previously looked at. The second image differentiates slightly from the first. Flash was not used for this and the image itself is quite blurred, like her memories. When describing this story to me, she mentions a couple of times how some parts were a blur and sometimes she would black out and not remember what happened to her. Compositionally, this image could be better, but I chose this image because I liked how she is looking down at the mark left on her arm. Something I might consider if I am to use one of there images is to perhaps add more bruises on her body via Photoshop. I think it could be an interesting experiment to conduct to see if it works.