Where Mimosa Bloom is a photo book by Rita Puig-Serra Costa, who works in publishing in Barcelona. The book is based around her grief after her mother died.
“Dealing with the grief she suffered following the death of her mother, Where Mimosa Bloomtakes the form of an extended farewell letter; with photography skillfully used to present a visual eulogy or panegyric.” Source
When I saw the first pages of this photo book online, I was very intrigued by the cutouts, and how she had used that within the book. My teacher then brought into school this photo book to look at in person, as well as the other two photo books that I have already studied, where I saw that Chris Dorley-Brown also used this once within his photo book The Longest Way Around.
As soon as I saw the cutouts I was thinking about how interesting it was and how i could incorporate this into my phonebook to add more depth.
The above is the first way in which I could use this within my photo book, with hopefully five images down the edge of the page, and they gradually either appear or disappear as you turn the pages, if they were to disappear as you turn the pages, this would represent the way people change over time and tend to forget about the past in order to move on and change as a person,
If they were to appear as you turn the pages, as Puig-Serra Costa did within her photo book. this would represent the development over time not being able to predict the future, but being able to reflect on how much you’ve changed as a person, and I think this way of thinking represents my mum in a better light, as she doesn’t want to move away from the past as those experiences have brought her to where she is today.
There are also two different things I could do with this, the first idea I had thought of was to have photos from every five or so years of my mum down the side as a sort of timeline, but as I feel the images would become to small to properly view, I am going to have it sectioned in to 5 pages at a time, e.g. like how I had done above, where there are only five images down the side, but when it gets to the bottom page with either the last or all of the images on, it starts again with a different set of five images and so on.
I feel that this way I could section my mums life into periods of five years, meaning there will be around 60 pages within my book, and with this I can try to create some distinction of technology changing over time, as the images at the front will all be scanned in images, but when it comes to recent years, they will all be digital photos from modern day cameras.
This way not only am i creating depth with the pages, but also with the meaning behind all my creative decisions.