Final Evaluation of my Laporello Design: “LOVES’ ENCOUNTERS”


Here is my final piece entitled “LOVES’ ENCOUNTERS”. I chose the title of this for my final piece in order to represent the broad relationship between traditional and non-traditional relationships. To create this front cover, I have used a silver pen on top of assotate in order for the title to stand out more.






These are some of the examples of my final piece layout and how I have laid out the Traditional Images against the Contemporary ones.

Layout showing contemporary love.
Layout of traditional photographs.


My Major Inspiration

Throughout my project, I feel as if my major inspiration has come from the works of Lina Hashian, KasslesKrammer and Ed Templeton, as they have inspired me to use the concertina and leporello form. This is because throughout their individual works they have demonstrated duality’s within story’s, and promote cross contextual references which make the works look, feel and seem more personal, encouraging you as the role of the reader to empathize with what is happening.

Am I pleased with my final outcome? 

I feel like I am most certainly pleased by the way I’ve represented truth and manipulated it in an alternative  way. Before the start of this project and investigation, I was unaware with the effects that would happen when a concertina was unfolded. From becoming an artist with the concertina form, I have learned skills such as being able to narrate a story with the absence of words and telling that story with a steady, flowing pace – visually and physically. Overall I feel the effect my leporello has upon a reader is significant in a way which can allow the reader to interpret love for themselves, within my stories and for themselves, as well as how the reader’s interpretations can differ by the reader’s place in society: (age, race, culture, gender, etc.)  I am very happy with this overall outcome as I feel the overall message and moral of truth shows a framed narrative, promoting how important it is to be realistic in life, and not how always we should appropriate it. The algorithms behind my project, is that love and truth never lie.

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