Project Review – Evaluation

When i first started my project and seen the theme was ‘Truth, Fantasy or Fiction’ my mind went blank, i was so unsure about what i was going to do and it worried me, but after i researched the words a bit more and looked into it i knew that i could think of my own idea and then try and adapt it into one of the three words. The word i was leaning to the most was fantasy as i knew i could try and create my own fantasy world through the use my camera and Photoshop. After i had thought for a while and done a little more research i knew i wanted to something involving the use of colour as my last project was very dark and black and white oriented. This is when i started to research photographers that revolved around colour and came across some nice photos which i knew i wanted to recreate and experiment with. 

If i could change anything or if i had more time then i without a doubt i would’ve taken more photos/shoots, my lack of shoots meant i wasn’t able to experiment as much with my photos and show the best of my ability. I’m happy with the shoot that I’ve got but i know if i was to do 1 or 2 more shoots, i could have came out with some better finals and i would have had more photos to try and alter in Photoshop to recreate some of the photographers work that i researched.  Another thing i would’ve done if i had more time was reach more into the surrealism side of my project, i attempted a small experiment with the photos i had but it wasn’t really surrealism and it interested me also so i feel i could’ve come out with some good finals for it. 

As a project overall it has been mostly successful and i have enjoyed doing it, there was some problems i ran into however i have attempted my best at working around them and finding the best possible solution. I feel i have grown as a photographer and the project has helped me develop my skills and shown me new skill sets that i didn’t know i would have before i started.

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