Photo Analysis

This is another photo i believe is one of my best, like the other one it has a large depth of field which helps the viewer scan the photo from left to right as it gets further away.  Because of this the photo has the effect that everything is getting smaller as it gets further away, this could portray Jerry Uelsmann’s photos as he uses the same technique in some of his photos, it shows good use of depth of field and allows you to look more into the detailed parts of the photo.

I have created the candy coloured effect again to go with the theme of my project, this time i have decided to make the sky pink as well and i think it goes really well, the dark pink on the gates contrasts well with the bright pink sky.  I chose to keep the cars and the road the same to show the variation between the fantasy world of colour and the normal world with the plain colours such as the greys and whites.

Market pink

I feel like this photo relates to Matt Crump’s because of the candy coloured theme, it makes the photo a lot more vibrant and fantasized, it is also like the work of Jerry Uelsmann because of the use of depth of field and the objects getting smaller, he uses this sometimes in his work but sometimes mixes that with other photos.

If i could change anything about the photo it would be the van in the bottom left, it either needs to be the full van or cut out completely, but the reason i didn’t cut it out is then the photo would be too short and the depth of field effect wouldn’t work as well. Also if i was being picky i would prefer for the grey van to be a smaller car so you could see more of the pink on the main gate, this is out of my control but i feel it would’ve looked better.

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