Paradise Lost: Documentary

After editing and finalising the project, I have finally finished the documentary I have been producing. I am happy with the final outcome, because after revisiting certain parts of the film, I have got it to a standard that looks very professional.

The cinematography in the film was inspired by the way that Vice film their documentaries such as the ‘Skate World’ series. Using obscure shots such as time lapses and low angle shots meant that the pace of the film was not slowed down by uninteresting shots. I also experimented with using still camera and moving video as I wanted there to be diversity within the edit.  I imitated the way that Vice conducts their interviews by having Eddie look and speak directly into the camera. This meant that you could really feel the passion behind what he was saying, as you are able to read his facial expressions. For some of the skateboarding shots that I personally filmed, I decided to stay stationary when filming as I didn’t want the footage to become too shaky that it is unusable. This worked to my advantage as you are able to see Eddie being filmed while he is skating, and it acts as a kind of behind the scenes look into the way they film.

For the editing I tried to make it as seamless as possible, so that the continuity was prominent while watching the film. I didn’t use any fades or dissolves between shots in a sequence, and only used them when moving to a different sequence. This was because if I was to use fades between every shot, it would slow down the pace of the film dramatically, and would eventually become uninteresting for the audience. With the footage, I didn’t apply any correction to the shots such as colour grading or white balance, as I wanted them to feel as natural as possible, because the documentary is about something true and real. As well as editing my own footage, I also manipulated the clips i got off YouTube. I rescaled some of the shots so that they fit the dimensions of the project but made sure that the quality of the clips was not diminished.

For the audio, I added slight EQ and reverb to my voice over to give it a bit of ambience as the dry audio clip was very dry and didn’t suit the voice over for the film. I didn’t add any additional editing to the music in Final Cut Pro as I had already mixed and edited it in Logic. I adjusted the levels of the footage of Eddie speaking so that you were clearly able to hear what he is saying, but also so that the music is not too quiet.

Overall, I am glad with the outcome of the film because aesthetically I am really pleased with it, and the message of the film is very clear. I hope that with this film I have been able to portray the ‘Truth’ about Jersey, and what the society and culture here is really like .

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