Nans Attik

To get more photos, I went into my Nans attik with my Mum, who hasn’t been up there in years, however I have been in the attic a lot myself as a child whenever I would be looked after by my Nan, so I know where a lot of certain bits and bobs are within the clutter from when I used to nose around.

I filmed my Mum whilst we were up there so I could remember how my Mum reacted to seeing certain things we found.

My Mum laughed quite a lot looking at all the different things written on all the supports in chalk.

From this trip, I found a huge box of my Aunts photos, in which I found many of my Mum, which I have scanned in.

When we were rummaging through everything in my Nans fairly cluttered Attik, I found a tin with lots of small bits in, which meant nothing to me, but my Mum was amazed I had found it, as it was one of her favourite things to play with when she was younger. The plastic bits all go together to build your own garden. My Mums Dad and Grandad both care(d) greatly for they gardens, and so I have a feeling this was where my Mum got this love of gardens from. Watching my Mum look through all the stuff in the time again was great, and she was so happy she’d been able to rummage through again and it seemed to bring back so many memories.

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Another item I came across was this old rocking horse type thing, which I played on when I was younger, but remembered seeing this within one of the slides of my mums youngest sister.

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In the back bedroom of my Nan and Poppa’s house, she has also still keptĀ all the old games they used to play as children, some which are seen in the slides when they are opening them for christmas.


The last thing I found which relates to a few of the slides, are these toffee hammers they used to play with, and even used as part of costumes.

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Although I probably won’t be able to use some of this stuff within my original planned photo book, I may be able to incorporate them into a smaller phonebook somehow, comparing old and new photos, as the photo book I have currently planned follows chronological order and so I can’t really compare photos from different times very well.

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