Exam – Fantasy:


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Fantasy’s dictionary definition is ‘the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially thing that are impossible or improbable.’ Fantasy is a trans media genre and its narratives are essentially fictional.  For regardless of how one ultimately understands the nature of fantasy, the notion of true fantasy seems patently incoherent.Fantasy is something that is produced by the imagination on an idea of something that is far from the norms of reality. Fantasy in a psychological sense is broadly used to cover two different senses, conscious and unconscious.Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. Fantasy is a category of fiction that uses magic and supernatural elements to create something unique. With fantasy, you are able to venture off into your own little world, enabling you to create very unusual pictures that others might not get, however they might mean a lot to you. It is much easier to identify typical elements of fantasy. than is it to understand the category of fantasy itself. There can be little doubt that, in practice, the genre of fantasy is pretty well defined, concretely manifesting itself in the shelves reserved for it in video shops and bookstores. Fantasy is a trans media genre and its narratives are essentially fictional.  For regardless of how one ultimately understands the nature of fantasy, the notion of true fantasy seems patently incoherent. Some photographers and artists that I firstly came across when researching the topic of fantasy in photography are people like Paula Rego which worked on looking at psychological dramas, which for many, specially people with mental disorders could view some of these as their own fantasy; Moira Sprunt which looked at merging a person’s face with another person’s face through the use of a projector, to make the person standing in front of it look like someone they can  only dream of looking like, aiding them visually with their fantasy of looking like their idol. ; Ana Schuleit, who looked at creating the outside world inside of buildings by paving the floors of different buildings with flowers. ; JerryUlesmann, who looked at surrealism and alternate realities by manipulating landscapes in various different manners for various fantasies of his own.; Erwin Blumenfeld who plays with perception ad our imagination through the use of human faces.; Duane Michals, who looks at different perceptions someone can have of themselves when looking in the mirror, with the use of a distorting mirrors to create unrealistic and distorted images of a human face.; Jon Von Holleben , who was interested in looking into something which pretty much every human on earth has thought about which is flying. He brings this fantasy of ours to life by using the floor as it’s main prop.

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