Exam – Evaluation – Photo Book:

This is the full layout for my photo book. The title I decided to go with was ‘Destruction Is Creation’. I decided to go with this title as throughout the whole exam project, I ended up looking and only focusing on the theme of Truth. Therefore, as I was ‘destroying’ my photographs I was actually creating a whole new meaning to them. I was creating whatever I wanted the photograph to mean and therefore that became my truth. The next thing that I decided to do was to keep all the pages of my book in black. The reason for doing so is because I feel like my photographs would stand out more from the page to the viewer rather than having the color of my pages white or any other color. As you first open up the book you will be able to see a portrait photograph of from when I was little, and this was done to set the theme that is book was going to be based on my interpretation of what I believe to be truth as well as the truth that I created for myself using old photographs of me and my family. As you look through the photo book you will be able to see a range of experimentations  that I had previously created as a response to the four artists that I based my research, analysis and inspiration from – John Stezaker, Liz Steketee, Chino Otsuka and Joachim Schmid. You will be able to see some photographs that have just been inserted into the book without having been manipulated. The reason for this is due to the that I wanted to have somewhat of a balance between my manipulated photographs and some original photographs. You will also see that I don’t really have a standard and neat order to my photographs. I didn’t make the layout of my photo book neat as I wanted it to look like what a family looked like as well as having an authentic vintage feel to it. I got inspirations for some of my page layouts from the various photo books that I have researched and analysed which were –  Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin – Divine Violence / Holy Bible,  Christian Patterson – Redhead Peckerwood ,Chris Dorley Brown – The Longest Way Around and Yoshikatsu Fujii – Red String.  Once my photo book arrives I will also be adding things to it, which I talked about in notes form in my photo book planning blog post. Overall, I am happy with the outcome of the photo book and I think that it will represent what I wanted to project to be based and and what I wanted it to look like very well.

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