Exam – Analysis – John Stezaker:


This photo montage was created by john Stezaker. It is clear to see that he has used only one single image to create this illusion like photo montage. The photo montage is made up of a photograph of a man, who looks like he could belong to an upper class, judging by the suit, clean shave, appearance as well as the pose that he was adapted for the photograph. This photo montage is actually very simple. John Stezaker has cut the photograph into two parts at the region of the eyes and has then joined them up again however, when joining these two separate parts again,he has decided to exclude most of the eyes of the man. There are endless possibilities that could be brought up as an explanation to why Stezaker has decided to do so. Something that I can say from closely looking at this photo montage is that it may be that Stezaker views this man in particularly or maybe views that class that this man seems to belong to as powerful. We as normal viewers of this photo montage, do not know what relationship John Stezaker has with this man. It may be the case that it was the man could have been Stezaker’s dad or a role model, or maybe just a random photograph that John Stezaker stumbled upon and thought to use it in his works. As I personally feel like this photograph has some kind of relationship to power, I feel like a reason as to why Stezaker has decided to exclude the man’s eyes in this photo montage is because the gift of sight is something that is very important to all. Someone becomes much less powerful if they are not able to see what is going on around them etc. Therefore, I almost feel like this is a metaphor or a response to how this artist views powerful men in suits or the upper class all together, for the fact that they may seen to be  so powerful, but when something so precious is taken away from them, they become powerless. This is my main thoughts that came up when I was looking at this photo montage, where it is something that is simple but can become very powerful and effective as well as being able to explain a lot of context.


This is another photo montage that was created by John Stezaker. This photo montage consists of two separate and completely different photographs. It is very easy to explain how the photo montage has been created, but that may not be the case for when trying to explain and analyse it for the reason as to why it was created in the first place. First I am going to talk about each photograph individually and just then, I think will I be able to analyse the photo montage as a whole. The main photograph that we can see and the one that stands out the most, which, if I am not wrong is a picture of the Virgin Mary. In a nutshell, the Virgin Mary is essentially thought to be the purest woman that has ever lived and someone who has not been touched by the devil. She is supposed to represent purity and perfection, hence her being chosen by God. The photograph underneath is what seems to be a man either sitting down at home or at a cafe / restaurant reading the newspaper whilst having his morning coffee. He is reading about what is going on in the world whilst drinking a drug, caffeine. I feel like the one photograph is in colour and the other one in black and white so that is the photo montage not only eye catching but it is also meant to be seen as more serious than if both were in colour or black and white. Subjectively, I feel like the reason as to why these two individual photographs were put together is essentially due to the fact that, as mentioned previously, Mary is seen and meant to represent purity and evil less, whereas the common man is cannot resist into the temptation of everyday ‘evil’ acts such as taking drugs such as caffeine, which alter the mood and actions of a human, when we are not supposed to alter anything about ourselves according to God and actions such as reading the news, which subconsciously heavily influenced by many people that have the jobs of telling the public a certain version of the truth, however, as common people, are not entirely aware of this act, therefore it could cause it to influence our actions, again another thing which we are apparently not meant to do.


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