Exam – Analysing My Response To – John Stezaker:

IMG_2648This photo montage was created as one of some responses that I created when looking at the works of John Stezaker.  The main photograph is of my dad at the age of 18 when him and his older brother ran away from home, and with some money that they had gathered decided to go to Disney Land in Paris. Something already interesting about the photograph itself is that without background context, you would not no that he had ran away and would probably have thought / assumed that this was just a happy photograph that was taken during a whole familys’ holiday where everyone seemed happy. As a response to John Stezaker, I decided to insert a photograph of myself from when I was a toddler inside of the outline of my dad’s body. A reason as to why I did so was because he was a dad at an age that is still considered young, and that’s representing that. Another reason  for this is due to the fact that it has been one of his dreams to take me to Disney Land in Paris, however, due to money and work and the fact that my parents had to take care of me that was never a possibility. Therefore, by inserting a photograph of my in the original photograph where my dad was actually there at Disney Land it makes it seem like I was there too, almost.


This is another photo montage that I created as one of some when looking at the works of John Stezaker. This is a photograph of me when I was only a few months old. At this age babies do not have a clue what is going on and will certainly not remember anything from the beginnings of their lives, which is something that I find interesting. I decided to create a phot montage where I ‘removed’ my eyes from the photograph as I do not remember this photograph being taken and therefore it almost feels like this isn’t even me.  I also decided to put it in black and white as when I look back at these photographs of me, even though they were only taken 17 years ago, it feels like they are much much older than that, therefore I felt that by putting it in a black and white filter would enhance that feeling.


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