Exam – Analysing My Response To – Joachim Schmid:

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This is a photo montage that I created as part of my response to the works of Joachim Schmid. The original photograph is of me and my grandmother from when I was a baby.  I decided to, instead of ripping my photographs, that I would try and create a ripped up photograph look using Photoshop.  The main part about this photograph that really draws the eye is the fact that I have decided to remove / rip the eyes out of my grandmother’s part of the photograph. The reason as to why I decided to do so is due to the fact that me and my grandmother only see eachother once a year due to living in different countries, therefore she doesn’t see me growing up and changing from a little girl to a young woman. Therefore it is almost like a metaphore the fact that she is holding me but she cannot see what who I have become. IMG_2800 copyThis is another photo montage that I created when I was looking at the works of Joachim Schmid, This is a photograph of the house where I grew up and where most of the photographs that were taken of me from when I was a baby / kid were taken, I decided to use this image and ‘rip’ it up as when I look at it and remember all the time living there I get mixed feelings about it. Although it was were I did most of my growing up in first part of my life, it was also where I was living happy with my family, thinking this is where I was going to be doing the rest of my growing up in. However, when I now look back at it, and at the thoughts that I used to have whilst living there, I know that that wasn’t going to be case and that one day we were going to move away not only from that house but away from everyone we knew and interacted with everyday; moving away from a happy place to what my parents must of thought would be a happier place, but was it ?



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