Colour Shoot – Evaluation


I am quite pleased with this shoot considering that it was a very cloudy day and even started to rain at one point but i still managed to give the vibrant and colourful look to each photo like i planned. The shoot was taken at around 7pm so the light wasn’t amazing especially because it was overcast but as the sun started to set it gave that orange glow over the island however i only was able to capture one more photo at that point before my camera ran out of battery which was very unfortunate as i could’ve captured some more warm feeling pictures.


If i could improve anything about this shoot i think it would be the time of day that i done it, because of the overcast whether i was limited to the amount of photos that i could’ve edited into coloured photos because Photoshop found it hard to change the hue over a grey background which i had to try and work around. Another thing i would’ve improved if i had more time is maybe explore into the back streets of town instead of down the main high street, this may have lead me into some better photos that i didn’t know i could’ve got.

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