blurred Edits

With the images I took from this Daria inspired shoot, I decided to merge and blend images together in Photoshop on order to explore the idea of the subject being hit. A friend of mine (different from the other situations I’ve talked about) explained to me how she was once in a situation where her boyfriend came home drunk, and he was already angry because he had been kicked out of the pub he normally visits. He began to hit her and eventually grabbed her neck and he was suffocating her.  Just as she was about to pass out, he let go abruptly and she ended up banging the side of her head on the bedside table, and because of the force she hit her head at, it started to bleed. She tells me how she has this ‘safe place’ at the back of her house where she goes and waits for him to cool off, and on this occasion, on her way to it, she leaned on the wall and saw blood left behind. It was after this she decided to go to the hospital. She explained to the nurse how she fell down the stairs and with the nurse believing her cover up story, she had to get four stitches and she had a concussion.  This body of work pretty much represents this in the style of Daria.

Here is a print screen that shows how I combined two images to create an outcome:


By using the brush tool in Photoshop, I was able to merge the images together. After editing the blurred hand into the back image of the subject,  I adjusted the levels slightly to created a darker tone throughout the image so that it fits well within the context and within the style of Daria. I also experimented with this images by using different blurred movements from the subject to see which looks the best. Here is a gallery of the edited images from the shoot :



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