
The thing that makes my project as full as it is, is due to the archive of images my Mum and Nan have kept over the years. A lot of people don’t have many photos of their parents, especially not in the amount that I have of my Mum, my Dad for example has about 3 images from the whole of his childhood, his parents split up and he went to boarding school and his set mum got rid of all of his possessions and photos, and so if i had tried to do this project on my Dad, it would have only shown the last 20 or so years of his life.

“Archives are important because they provide evidence of activities and tell us more about individuals and institutions. They tell stories. They also increase our sense of identity and understanding of cultures.” Source

The fact that my Mum and Nan have kept these archives is very important, because it allows us to remember things better, how their hair was, what the clothes were like, the places they used to see and the people they used to be close to.It has allowed me to gain a closer relationship to my Mum and understand that essentially, she has always been the same person, who is always happy and up for almost anything, she’s never worried about being sensible and doesn’t care if she looks bad in one photo. She’s always had a close family and a busy life.

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