I visited my dads old workplace where he used to work as a baker. He worked for 25 years for the same company until it closed. I wasn’t able to take many photographs as there were many people around working. However, I took a photograph of the main company building and of the building my dad used to work in. I also took photographs of the delivery vans too both alone and with my dad standing next to them. Below is an article about the conformation of the bakery closure in 2013.

For my final photo shoot I want to include some photographs of my dad and my younger brother. The reason for this is because I feel my dad has a better relationship with my brother, I think that part of the reason for this may be cultural. I also included cultural aspects in my first photo book about my mother. After observing my dad whilst photographing him for my project I have noticed that within my family the males bond with each other and the females bond separately. I have also noticed this in public places too not just with my family but with people of a Portuguese background. To show this cultural difference which I think has partly lead to my brother being closer to my dad I am going to take photographs of my dad and brother interacting over mutual interests. Whilst taking these photographs I am going to try and keep my dad as the main focus point. I hope that these photographs will add more to the story that I am trying to tell and will help piece the story together.

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