After working on different topics and looking at different things to do with the Archisle I have decided to change my specification and ideas to focus on how our society treats outcasts, anyone that is different. I have begun to look into transgender people and Jersey’s history with this topic. I find it really interesting and want to find out more and more about it and see how our society doesn’t really understand people going through their transitions. I am also looking into lunacy within the island and how people with mental illnesses are/were treated and dismissed because they are misunderstood. I have also begun looking into criminals and how they are photographed with their mug shots. I find this topic really interesting and want to look more into this as it is something different and something that I want to reflect on the truth of our society. I think that I want to focus in on lunacy within the island and create some kind of narrative with this project. I want to create a film-esk kind of staged series of images as I think that this will be the best method of recreating the stories that I have found out about. I want to focus my work on misfits, those that don’t fit in with the norms of society. I have been looking into how transgender people are still not generally accepted by our society, I have also looked into local cases which was really interesting to read up on. I then ventured into the history of the island and how witchcraft and witch hunting was so huge and at a large magnitude. Along with this I looked into lunacy within the island and historically how our society has treated those with mental illnesses. This includes pre World War 1 and how those in the late 1800s knew very little about mental health.
![lunacy - specification](