Environmental Shoot | Experimentation

Here are images of the experimentation that I have done so far for my project. I found these to be fun and interesting to do as they were more experimental and different to the kind of images that I usually create. I wanted to challenge myself and try to bring in new materials into my work. I have managed to create a few different kind of images and am happy with the outcomes. I have specific ideas in mind but do find myself changing and adapting new ideas when it comes to being on location. I want my images to stand out and make an impact, something I think I have with these images. I wanted to create something that would be fun for me as well as a bit of a challenge and something that will really get my spectators thinking. I want my work to stand out. In order to do this I got experimenting with layers and introducing different materials into my work so that it is not just a flat piece of work. Incorporating different techniques from different realms of creativity has really helped to bring my project to life.

After looking at my photographs I found that I really do not like them and they are boring. I want my images to be different and exciting for the spectators to look at. At present I find the images quite mundane and think that I can do much better. I will try and experiment with them to see if I can make them any better and more interesting. I think that I am going in a different direction with my project and no longer want to do this topic but I’m just going to experiment a bit more and try it out to see if it all works. I’m going to be doing other experiments and different topics just so I have more than one thing to fall back on if this particular project doesn’t work out. I prefer to have a few different ideas so that when it comes down to it I will have plenty of options to choose from.


I had such high hopes for this photo and had a really great plan of how it would turn out but I don’t really like how it looks and know that it is not as good as I had hoped and imagined it to be. I think it looks alright and that there could be potential for it to look at lot better but I don’t want to mess around with it and for it not to work out. I also made some other images that look alright but I don’t think that I want to experiment with them any further. I have now changed my ideas and plans for this exam project and want to try out something different.

Above is the experimentation that I did a couple of weeks ago on an environment shoot. I went round the area where I live and made photographs of all of the litter that had been left and discarded on the ground. After making each image I did go and put the litter in the bins that were literally about 10 steps away from where they were left. It really makes me sad to see how people and how we as a society treat the natural world and don’t care about what the effects are. I do think that these images are quite boring but in a grid could be more effective. The only reason that I’m not going to be doing all of this is because I have changed my ideas and want to try out a different kind of project. I like the images as I feel that, as a series, they give a clear and strong message to my spectators. However, I know that I can do better experimentation and have venturing into a different idea for my final project. For each photograph I wanted to originally just get images that were more close up and abstract but when photographing I found that it looked a lot better when I had a little bit of the environment that it was in, in the photo too. I think that this looks a lot better and shows more context and allows the spectator to see what we are doing to our natural world.