Artist Reference | Erik Johansson

Erik Johansson is a photographer from Sweden. He currently lives in Prague, Czech Republic and Sweden. Johansson’s goal in his photographs is to make them look as real as possible. A lot of Johansson’s work focuses on the environment and he also focuses on his editing, making images look surreal and stand out. I find his images look very fictional and are really well executed and most look very realistic with few looking a bit more animated. I find some of his work looks almost too perfect for it to actually be real but I guess that is the point of surrealism photography, it isn’t supposed to show reality. I like that his work comes from a vision that he has created.

Erik Johansson website:

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Erik Johansson photography

I do like the work of Johansson and find it really brilliant the way that he edits his images to make them look almost like paintings. I like his style of creating new and strange photographs that don’t really make much sense but when looked at for long enough the meaning behind most of the images becomes clearer. I like that a lot of his focus is on the environment and shows how the human race treats its natural environment, which is something that I want to focus on in my own project. I find that he has some good images and then some amazing images that really show political views and are so powerful compared to some of his others.

Erik Johansson photography

This image is so powerful to me. I chose it because it really did stand out to me. It reminds me of how people will cover things up and choose to ignore it in the hopes that it will go away. However, climate change is something that is so prominent in every part of the world with 2015 being the hottest year on record. People don’t want to change their ways and so will just keep it up and try to overlook what is really happening to our natural world. I love this image as it really does embody this and speaks volumes of how we are as a human race. We tend to pretend that everything is fine and stay inside our bubbles without caring about anyone else or the world that we live in because it’s likely to not effect us. I loathe that people think this way and find this image so true and real to what people are actually like. I like the outfit that the model in the image as wearing as he looks like a normal person in his back garden trying to paint his fence or something.

Erik Johansson photography

I picked this image next as it goes well with the one above and how it shows climate change. I really like this image as it shows how people are trying to cover it up again and trying to, not fix it but to hide it away so that no one will notice or so that we don’t have to think about the damage that the human race has actually done to the natural world. This image is very artistic and looks almost like a painting. I like the position of the model as she stitches up the ruins that humans have done to the natural environment. This image really embodies what global warming is doing to our natural world and how badly the human race has affected the natural world too. I find this image really interesting and think it makes a huge impact on its spectators, which is something that I want to portray through my own images.

Erik Johansson photography

This image is strange and I don’t really get it but I like it. It really is a surrealist image and somehow it is really interesting. I wonder about how the subject is walking through his house from his kitchen through to his bedroom, as you can see through the little details on the floor. I like that the kitchen has that checked floor, which people often associate with a kitchen in a restaurant and so would easily be able to identify that as the subjects kitchen and then the little lamp next to the other door with little pictures and details on the door itself tells us that the room he is heading too is more personalised and most likely his room as he is also in his pyjamas/robe taking a hot drink with him to bed. I don’t quite understand why there is a landscape in the background, as if the man’s house is taking over that natural land and possibly how people are constantly building on top of the natural world. I really like this image anyway as it makes a normal/boring landscape image a whole lot more interesting and intriguing raising questions in the spectators minds making them want to figure out the meaning and what is going on in the image. I really like this as a surrealist image and the idea of making a landscape image more interesting, this is something I want to do in my own work incorporating different layers to make it more interesting for my spectator to look at.

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