Ideas surrounding project title

First Ideas

My first initial ideas surround the two title themes ‘truth‘ and ‘fiction‘. I believe these two opposite topics can relate to many different things surrounding the list of ideas I have thought of. Initially, this beginning idea of ‘opposites’ allows me to use two different subject ideas which juxtapose one another, symbolising a difference between the two and therefore making my topics more interesting due to there becoming a  ‘two sided’ story.

Define  ‘Truth’: 

“A fact or belief that is accepted as true”


“That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.”

Define ‘Fiction’:

“Invention or fabrication as opposed to fact.”


“A belief or statement that is false, but that is often held to be true because it is expedient to do so.”

My Main Idea: The Concept of Love

I have decided to focus mainly on the titles ‘fiction‘ and ‘truth‘ to elaborate upon the idea of “Concept of Love”. This idea unfolds within two different segments: religion against science and how human beliefs are indifferent to that of ‘God’s natural creation’ and ‘scientific discoveries’. This idea can lead me to look into how religious ceremonies surrounding ‘love‘ (e.g. marriage, funerals, christenings, holy communions).  This idea also of love being a ‘concept’ allows the viewer to perceive ‘love’ as an application to anything rather than an emotion.

Define ‘Love’: 

“An intense feeling of deep affection.”


“A person or thing that one loves.”

Define ‘Religion’

“The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.”


“A pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.”

Define ‘Science’

“The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”

How will this idea develop? Whats the aim to achieve in this project? 

I would like to aim to achieve this idea in a way where I promote the idea of love as a different perception towards every human. The idea and concept of love is so dissimilar to anything that it becomes almost an opposite within itself. I would like to touch upon the history and development of love in this day and age to question the ‘truth‘ and reliability of the subject against what can be seen as ‘fiction‘.

What references can I use for the ideas of this project? 

Scientific analysis,  documentation and Natural creation

The faithful renditions of natural life (fauna, flora, insects) in William Jones and Cath Hodsman’s paintings, for example, demonstrate meticulous observation and sensitivity. Leonardo da Vinci, Rondin and Michelangelo’s studies of human form also demonstrate these qualities of analysis and discovery. This sense of discovery is something I wish to explore within my study, how love is discovered and how scientists perceive the emotion in a biological way. Contemporary artists Danny Quirk and Gunther von Hagens continue to be driven by this fascination for human autonomy.

Culture and Religious Beliefs: 

Artsist in many other cultures such as Aboriginal, Inca, Aztec, Polynesian, and religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Catholicism, Muslim, etc,  seem to consciously resist trying to produce faithful likeness of their subjects. Their objectives often intend to depict spiritual qualities with a variety of belief (surrounding love especially), perhaps in a response to a fear that any accurate rendering of a living being may somehow capture its soul or spirit.

The Nature of Humans: 

Baudelaire suggested that artists must be truly faithful to their own nature. Artists have often been singular in pursuing their personal vision of the world. William Blake argued that he did not want to observe the human figure because that would “get in the way of his own inner vision of how people looked… I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.”

From these ideas I believe all three of these concepts show the idea of love through the following themes:

  • Human Rights (in religion arranged marriages and ceremonies destroy the ability of humans to gain rights over which person they will share their life with).  This is particularly prominent in females as their fathers usually pick their righteous husband for them.
  • Science against Religion (how beliefs contradict the essence of scientific discovery.

These ideas all contradict the truth and perception of ‘love‘.


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