Tag Archives: tracking

Tracking Sheet

Week 1
12th Oct – 16th Oct

  • this week I will make photographs of my family based around my niece, research another family photographer. Develop responses to Lewis, compare and contrast and evaluate in depth.
  • I will also be making tableaux photographs in response to Cindy Sherman’s work and a personal study of adopting the idea of documentary in a completely staged and more dramatic way [this will just be an extra shoot done to explore staged photography more].
  • Do research on Film Noir and look more in depth at Femme Fatales and try and find a way to form a radical representation of this, either conforming to the genre of a femme fatale or opposing it and making my own juxtaposition.

Week 2 
19th Oct – 23rd

  • carry on making images of niece, go visit them at her home on Thursday 22nd to get some real images of life with a small child.
  • Start storyboarding and making images of film noir inspired femme fatales. Experiment with lighting, make images at night time to make for a more mysterious atmosphere as well as keeping subject as key focus.
  • edit images from previous week [will edit as I go]

Week 3 [Half Term]
26th – 30th

  • continue to make Film Noir inspired images and add in some more responses to the work of feminist photographers including Cindy Sherman.
  • make more artist references on tableaux photographers and generate own meaning and come up with an interesting response and interpretation.
  • do community shoot with different groups of friends to show differences in teenage life
  • stay with sister and make images of niece throughout the day and night, follow them around for the day and throughout the night to show what life is really like as a first time mother and father.
  • use other models to be a part of shoots on feminism, society and film noir
  • start to make short film on chosen subject; family, community, faith or tableaux

Week 4 
2nd Nov – 6th Nov

  • edit all images from previous weeks and create sets of favourite images
  • further explore ideas if they are unfinished including feminism shoots and film noir shoots.
  • evaluate work and pick out favourite shoots and then best images from each of the shoots

Tracking Sheet: