Category Archives: Family Archive



Archive Internship: How has this helped with my personal project?

Over the past half term, I have been working with the Societe Jersiaise Photographic Archive implementing key ideas to developing the Archive to my own personal project. These skills have made me develop various creative perspectives involving Archive extraction, research, experimentation and documentation. Exhibition and presentation design.

Some of the skills, which I have been contributing to my Archive experience, consist of:

  • Scanning & storing images
  • Image manipulation, resizing, creating composites
  • Producing teaching materials for Photo Archivist’s Workshop
  • Re-purposing images for Jersey Projection Gallery –(Ex.  Skip ton Arts)
  • Archive Searching database
  • Outputting digital prints, labeling and marking images from the
  • Understanding copyright policy
  • Retrieving original images from vintage collection in strong room
  • Working in secure areas, safe practice in the archive environment
  • Appropriate handling of original archive materials

My personal project has allowed me to evolve, as with help from Gareth Syvret, I’ve been able to manipulate photographs which relate to the history and period of my new house and how I can contrast the changes and traditions in everyday life today.

Own Archival Research: 1960s

These images which I came across from the previous owner of the house shows clearly the significant and original style of 1960s culture. These images show the counter development after the war, after its re-development in the late 60s and early 70s. As you can see, the development causes various similarities with that of its post-war development in the 1930s and 40s, prolonging its classic characteristics and structure. The images seem as if they’ve been documented using disposable camera’s, this is because, for example, in the image below the raw and vivid colouring is brought out from the decomposing of the walls, the grass, and the sky. This style is notorious, and easily recognisable, which connotes the time period as to when this was documenting, as this constantly relates back to the context and culture of the time this development took place. 2180110901_011_2001





Own Archival Research: Post World War ii Demolition (1930s-40s)

With my new skills of Archive extraction and implementing key skills to recognise the stages in an Archival process, I came across a significant amount of historical images from the early 1900s relating to my project. As a starting point, I have researched past images of the house in order for me to make a comparative link to suggest more relevance within my ideas. This was all done with help from the Societe Jerseiase and Jersey’s Photographic Archive. With help from Gareth Syvret, we researched these past images of the house with the references tagged along with the images. 2180110901_002_2001



The derelict wall and the posts from the foundations.

This was all stored in a box of photographs given by the Bailiff of Jersey, between the era’s of 1930’s: a post war memorial. I then learnt that my house was an important artifact and gem to the German soldiers which were residence in St Ouen’s Bay during the time of the occupation in World War ll. From this, my ideas then began to develop, I found relevance into my project by being able to contextualize and relate to the history of my new house.

The development of the wall and roof.


The house as it was, with little garden space and aesthetic pleasure.


Government House

My project is going to be based around the life at Government House. My dad is the Butler and House manager for the governor, so he will be my main character in the story. I also live on the grounds and have been privileged to meet many important people such as members from the Royal family such as the Queen. My dad has a very important because he ensures that government house runs smoothly. Manages all functions within the house and gardens, such as dinner parties and other functions. He meets and greets all visiting house guests ensuring that all requirements are made during their stay, these guests range from members from the royal family, visiting ambassadors and VIPS and also local dignitaries. As I know the Governor well, he has allowed me to get an insight into his life at government house and the staff have also allowed me access to their daily activities. I want to tell a story with my images by following my dad around taking pictures of what he does on a day-to-day basis.

Invitation to Buckingham palace:


Mum and Dad outside the gates of Buckingham Palace


Earl and Countess of Wessex (Edward and Sophie)


Grandparent’s Family Archive

I have been looking through my grandparents archive photographs and have chosen a few which are my favourite.


This is my Grandad as a young boy.


and my Grandma as a young Girl.


This is my Granpa’s parents, Fredrick and Doris.


This is my Grandma’s parents, Ted and Claris.


This is my Grandpa when he was around 20 years old. He was at teachers training college.


A portrait of my Grandma when she was around 18 years old. This is my Grandpa’s favourite image of my Grandma as a young lady and he kept this image with him when he was in Jersey and my Grandma was  in Wales.

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These three final images are of my Grandpa’s several activities from over the years. Consisting of singing competitions and rugby.

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This is my Grandparents family photograph; their three sons and themselves.

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The three sons.

Family Archive Research

Over the past term, I have been working with the Societe Jersiaise Photographic Archive implementing key ideas to developing the Archive to my own personal project. These skills have made me develop various creative perspectives involving Archive extraction, research, experimentation and documentation. Exhibition and presentation design.

Some of the skills, which I have been contributing to my Archive experience, consist of:

  • Scanning & storing images
  • Image manipulation, resizing, creating composites
  • Producing teaching materials for Photo Archivist’s Workshop
  • Re-purposing images for Jersey Projection Gallery – Skipton Arts Series 10-14 November
  • Searching database
  • Outputting digital prints, labeling and marking images from the archive
  • Understanding copyright policy
  • Retrieving original images from vintage collection in strong room
  • Working in secure areas, safe practice in the archive environment
  • Appropriate handling of original archive materials

My personal project has allowed me to evolve, as with help from Gareth Syvret, I’ve been able to manipulate photographs which relate to the history and period of my new house and how I can contrast the changes and traditions in everyday life today.