For the JEP Exhibition, I have chosen 5 photographs from my previous photo-shoots that tell the story about Government House. I thought that including a photograph from the archive will help support the story from decades ago about the life at Government House and the importance of the people who work there. I have chosen portraiture shots of the main people in my story, such as my dad and the Governor. I like the image of Monica drinking a glass of wine during work as it shows something that no-one else could capture if they came to government house as it is a a behind the scenes type of picture which shows a story in itself. This has helped me start to think about what my picture story is going to look like. I am going to take more personal pictures of the Governor and then big events like his annual Christmas Party.
Category Archives: Exhibition
Atlantus is “a visual and oral exchange of cultures , histories and identities”, this was a project that was done in Jersey and New Jersey to see the connection between the two. This project was between Martin Toft and Archisle. The inspiration behind this project was by the 350th anniversary in 2014 of the naming of the State in New Jersey, USA by Sir George de Carteret who was a Jerseyman. These photographs explore the different cultures in Jersey and New Jersey but also between the people in both places, by comparing them through the images. This project was funded by States of Jersey External Relations which made sure that Martin Toft was able to go to New Jersey to take the photographs. This was a long term project which by the end of it produces a DIY pop-up exhibition. These were displayed on Newspaper where there was 5 different sections which included 5 different stories. This included 80 pages of images, 56 in colour and 5 monochrome ills. With these stories you can unfold the Newspapers and make your own pop-up exhibition where you can display the images where you want them. To do this you need to have two versions of the Newspapers as they are double sided, so when you display the images they create an exhibition.
These images are taken with various approaches, as some of the images are classical documentary images where they have been taken without the person knowing and documenting what is happening but also images from the past to give background to the story. Some of the images are staged images
On Friday 23rd October the whole of year 12 and 13 photography students headed down to the Jersey Art Museum where we were delivered an opportunity to get our creative work exhibited within the Jersey Museum. This was created to celebrate 125 years of the Jersey Evening Post [originally named Evening Post]. This would be a really great opportunity to get our work out there within the Jersey community as well as actually being a part of an exhibition.

The film cameras were great, as I’am fond of vintage cameras, it really brought the whole exhibition into perspective that people actually used to use these to make photographs for the papers and looking around at the images they were all so amazing without any editing being done at all. I personally was unable to attend the exhibition but from pictures and research i have done i have a clear imagery of what the room and presentation looked like. I do not like the layout of the exhibition and thought it could have been done a lot better. The very bright red background was too intense and set off the view to the images. However the contrast of the black and white images onto the red was very complimentary. The captions of the photographs were too high up the wall and very small so they were unreadable from a low level. The actually quality of the prints at the exhibition were very poor also.
The space that the exhibition was in the Jersey Museum and the space was also very small for the images shown. Ceilings were relatively low and makes the space feel cramped and small. The lighting was very harsh and did not compliment the photographs well at all, On a whole i thought the exhibition was very poor and could have been done ALOT better. This is a shame because the conceptual idea is a good and if done well could have been a successful and well perceived.
125 hours: Jersey Museum Takeover
On Friday 23rd October the whole of year 12 and 13 photography students headed down to the Jersey Art Museum where we were delivered an opportunity to get our creative work exhibited within the Jersey Museum. This was created to celebrate 125 years of the Jersey Evening Post [originally named Evening Post]. This would be a really great opportunity to get our work out there within the Jersey community as well as actually being a part of an exhibition.
“Your Story, Our History: 125 years seen through a JEP lens”
The Jersey Archive only managed to find images from the past 85 years so it wasn’t really true to its name, however the images that I saw were really interesting. The reason why some of the photographs weren’t present was because during World War II the German Nazis took over Jersey and the JEP and so before the Germans took over the JEP the head of the JEP decided to burn all of the papers and images so that the German’s couldn’t get hold of them. This is really interesting as I wonder why this person wouldn’t want the German’s to see those images or papers even though they wouldn’t really be able to do anything with them unless they had important news about Britain and possible war moves. I find that although they were unable to bring images across the 125 years it still has huge impact and is really important in the growth of Jerseys history.
Our photographic role
125 hours seen through a teenager’s lens
So for this exhibition our task is to make images through the lens of a teenager over 125 hours, as the Archive doesn’t really have images made by teenagers and we never really get a teens perspective on things. I think that this is a really great idea because often adults underestimate teens and think that all we ever do is cause trouble which is not the case. This really helps with the documentary aspect of our photography course as we are able to apply this to our own work and use it to our advantage. I want to be able to make the most realistic images that I possibly can by just carrying my camera around with me constantly and snapping shots at random [action shots]. This will be a fun experiment and I’ll be able to look back and see what I was doing at different moments throughout my week. Basically 125 hours amounts to 5 days and so we will be making photographs across a five day period. Another role that students are able to get into is actually creating the exhibition on the day. There will be 10 students selected from those who put their names down and here they will be split into teams of about 2 or 3 people, the curators, designers, PRs and documenters. Here we are going to be able to choose the best photographs from all the students, position them and decide how they are going to be placed in the exhibition space as well as filming and documenting the day through photographs. This will be a really great experience and a good chance to get our work out there. The deadline for this exhibition is Wednesday 18th November.
During the day we went down to the exhibition to check it out I was given the opportunity by Lucy Layton, from the JEP and head of the 125 hours project, to actually film throughout the day of the takeover as well as taking over their Facebook and Instagram page. I think that this will be really interesting to do and I want to be able to make a decent video for them as it is going to be posted on their website. Here I want to interview some people involved with the project including students involved. I will also be filming throughout the day of different decisions being made and possibly a time lapse of the entire day filmed with my GoPro. I am going to come up with some questions to ask during each of the mini interviews as well as filming different shots of the exhibition throughout the day as more behind the scenes stuff.
Archival images:
At first approach to the exhibition I thought ‘I hate the red’, for me the colour red is just awful but that is however just personal preference and I know that the red iconically represents the Jersey Evening Post. For some reason I just find that the colour red is so harsh and can be quite in-your-face at times but then again it did really compliment the black and white images making them stand out from the wall a lot more. I find that even the background of an exhibition matters so much because it can completely change the way the spectator sees and interprets the images being exhibited. I absolutely love that all of the images are in black and white, mainly because the time they were taken film cameras only shot in black and white but nonetheless I loved it. I find that this really allows the spectator to look into the image and the people within those images instead of being sidetracked by bursts of colour in different parts of each image. All of the images managed to compliment each other because they were all black and white they seemed to have a more equal chance of being looked at. I did find that the middle of the room was lacking something, which would make the perfect space for our additional new images that are selected for the archive as that was the intention. I was also drawn in at the very beginning just down to the right side of the exhibition as you walk in there is a glass case filled with some awesome vintage photographs and film cameras. The film cameras were so great, as I’m a lover of vintage cameras, it really brought the whole exhibition into perspective for me in that people actually used to use these to make photographs for the papers and looking around at the images they were all so amazing without any editing being done at all [aside from the built in factor of them being in black and white].

This is the first image that really stood out for me. I don’t have anything that I particularly like about this image accept I just love looking at it and it really comes together. It brings me a sense of nostalgia of when it snowed a couple of years back in Jersey and me and my friends from around my flats would constantly hang out and mess around in the snow. I think that this image will bring a sense of nostalgia to many people and those of all ages are able to relate to this in some way or another. The little boy sat in what looks like an old suitcase with a bit of string attached looks so happy and cute that his older friends/possibly siblings are pushing him along so that they can all enjoy the snow together. I really think that this photograph is cute and makes me happy, it is so simple and straight forward. Everyone in the photograph looks so happy. It makes me think about being younger and having no worries, being able to just do whatever I wanted and hang out and mess around with friends, even though I still kind of do that now. The composition of this image is great as the subjects are perfectly positioned with the same amount of space on either side of the image which I find so interesting as this would have been taken with a film camera where it becomes harder for the photographer to make such a perfect photograph as there was no such thing as adjustments and cropping then. I just love that this is an action shot and really makes me fall in love with the idea of documentary photography. This idea of taking action shots and film cameras makes me think of disposable cameras and when I was younger I used to use those disposable cameras to make images on different trips with my friends and family. I’ve actually started using them again because I love the idea of making images and then not being able to look at them until they’ve been developed, it’s much more fun to be able to collect them and finally get them and laugh and smile at all of the good times that we would usually overlook.

I think that this photo is great, I find it humorous. I find it almost comical that the photograph was taken from behind the men trying to push that old car through the countryside lanes around Jersey. I like that all of the men are facing away from the camera accept two of them, one turned round laughing [to the left] while the other seems to be smiling at the struggle they are having [to the right]. I find this image interesting as there is a lot to look at and I also find it quite funny that the men are wearing full suits when travelling round the countryside as if they were possibly businessmen or maybe that was just the fashion of the time. This image is entertaining and is open for interpretation to the spectators. I really don’t think that this image would have made it into the JEP because it isn’t really news but then again it is funny to look at and would put a smile on peoples faces. I find that most of the images being shown at the exhibition aren’t exactly the best images in terms of photojournalism and making headline Jersey news but I do think that they are great documentary images as they really do capture moments in time of Jersey history and the ordinary people of our small island. I find this interesting as I think I wonder what ever happened to those people and how old they are now and whether or not they are still alive.

Admittedly I hadn’t even come across this particular image until we were sharing our favourite photographs at the end of the session last Friday. Once it was pointed out to me it really made me start thinking about how even in Jersey women were seen as second-class citizens to their male counterparts. Everyone just looks so unhappy there as if it was an obligation to come from work on a friday and go down to the pub for a drink with their colleagues and their wives. In this image the women seem to be taking a step back and are always stood behind their husbands as if they aren’t as important as the men and are just there to look pretty and to socialise with the other wives. I find this image very sad and something that I just wouldn’t think would have happened in Jersey and I do not know why I thought that because Jersey is very backward in equal rights of all people, including only bringing in discrimination laws last year [2014] along with discrimination laws to protect characteristics of sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment & pregnancy and maternity only coming into the law on 1st September of this year [2015]. I should really expect these kinds of images from Jersey as they have always been quite backward in laws as well as equal rights for women [still not equality of payment in some working environments]. The chandelier in the background interests me as it seems as though this would have been a more upperclass establishment so the only people that would be there are businessmen and their wives. I think that this can be a very powerful image as it explains a lot without saying anything, in the position of the women and the expressions on everyones faces. It is interesting to see a small section behind the bar with drinks lined up underneath that really shows how different everything is now in terms of the way people dress and the different class of people that you will tend to see hanging around bars nowadays compared to back then.
Jersey Museum Takeover
For 125 years, islanders of Jersey have been reading the Jersey Evening Post. Through their visual storytelling, press photographs can tell remarkable and untold stories, inspire discussion and reminiscence. For much of its history JEP photographers have documented Island life, following the daily activities of Islanders and recording the changing landscape and cultures which have developed insignificantly over time to create the Island we live on today. On Friday 20th November, we went to the John de Veulle Gallery, Jersey Museum to conduct research on Jersey’s Heritage. The JEP’s proposal was that Jersey Heritage participates in the national Takeover Day campaign to encourage children and young people across the country to get involved behind the scenes at museums and art galleries. Echoing the structure of a modern newspaper, this exhibition has shown highlights from the hundreds of thousands of photographs which have appeared over the year, from headline stories, news events, community features, entertainment and sport.

At the museum we had the opportunity to partake in the following roles:
- Curators – selecting the work to be exhibited and how it is hung, writing captions
- Designers – deciding how to hang the temporary exhibition and producing a logo for the blank wall at the entrance to the gallery
- PR – using social media to promote the exhibition and liaising with local media
- Documenters – making a short documentary film or photographing the production of this pop-up exhibition.

Sixties chosen
This collaborative project has given me a chance to work behind the scenes with Jersey Heritage staff to curate and mount a pop-up exhibition. This has provided me with an excellent experience at museums and art galleries. Jersey Heritage has benefited me from developing a close working relationship with young people and their responses will enrich our understanding and knowledge of the collection.
What effect did the exhibition have on you?
What where your favourite images from the exhibition?
What do you think the photographer is trying to communicate with this image? What is it you like the most about this aspect?
What is wrong with your least favourite image? How do you think it could be improved?
Can you see any revelations within a selection of images?
Here is a link to the photographs of the exhibition from the website –

Jersey Museum Takeover
Students studying Photography at Hautlieu have been offered an incredible opportunity to be involved in a collaborative project with Jersey Heritage. The opportunity will give students a chance to work behind the scenes with staff at Jersey Museum to curate and mount a pop-up exhibition on Friday 20th November 2015. This experience will provide excellent experience for students interested in pursuing a career in photography and/or museums and art galleries.
Jersey Museum visit: Friday 23rd October 14:00 – 15:20 pm
In terms of transportation, We will all meet in reception at 14;00 on Friday 23 Oct to board the coaches that will take us to Jersey Museum. At the end of the school day 15:20 students will be dismissed from site. Make sure you hand in slip with permission to your teacher. NO SLIP NO TRIP!!
It is essential that all students get to see and engage with the images on display from the JEP exhibition at Jersey Museum and in order to facilitate this we have arranged for a whole group visit during lesson 5 on Friday 23rd October. During this visit students will be giving a special talk and tour by museum curator, Lucy Layton and Photo-archivist and historian Gareth Syvret from the Societe Jersiaise.
Images from JEP exhibition
Here is a link to more images:
TASK 1: All Photography Students (both Yr 12s and Yr 13s) will be exploring a photo-assignment over half-term that respond to the existing exhibition – Your Story, Our History: 125 years seen through a JEP lens. It will be expected that students take between 150-250 new photographs over half-term that respond to the brief:
Our Story, Half Term: 125 hours seen through a teenager’s lens.
Here is a brief with further information Takeover Day 2015 v2
For yr 12s this means that you will be exploring your final assignment: IDENTITY and make some self-portraits. In addition you can also improve other types of portraiture that we have explored in class, such as Environmental and Street Portraiture.
For yr 13s you will continue with exploring your personal stories that relates to the themes of FAITH, FAMILY & COMMUNITY.
TASK 2: All students must produce a number of blog posts that explain how you engaged with the JEP exhibition and what ideas you explored over half-term.
– Upload image analysis and answers from Task Sheet given to you at the JEP exhibition. Download sheet here: Takeover Exhibition Task
– Produce contact sheets from your shoots and edit a selection of your best 8-10 images.
– Show experimentation with image adjustments and annotate.
– Choose a final edit of no more than 3 images that work together as a coherent series with a clear personal identity or visual narrative
DEADLINE: Wed 18th November
For further inspiration see this video: The Story of Jersey
Only the best work produced by students over half-term will be entered for the collaborative project in partnership with Jersey Heritage. This new work will inform your current coursework and would significantly help you achieve more marks as you work towards finishing you current coursework module.
Atlantus is a project that Mr.Toft has been working on for the past few years along side Gareth syvret. The project is based around the archisle: The Jersey Contemporary Photography Program at the Société Jersiaise where they have embarked on a major creative research project using the Photo-archive as a vector in exploring historical and cultural links between Jersey and New Jersey.
This project is inspired partly by the 350th anniversary, in 2014, of the founding of the State of New Jersey, USA in 1664 by Jerseyman, Sir George de Carteret. As part of this project Mr.Toft will be producing new work both in (old) Jersey and New Jersey, exploring both places unique cultures, histories, identities and geographies. Immediate plans is to design a pop-up exhibition in New Jersey to coincide with major celebrations across the state throughout the summer. The long term objectives of this 4-5 year project are to make exhibitions, publications and establish contemporary photographic archives in Jersey and New Jersey.
Tom Pope Exhibition
The Saturday before last I went to see Tom Pope’s exhibition at the old Police Station when he was doing a talk on all of it.
One of his main goals with the exhibition was to make the Archive more interactive, two of ways he did this were masks and badges. By taking images from the Archive and making masks, he would be able to take photos of people wearing them, and having a bit of fun with them. The badges have been given out to anyone that made them, by making badges from the photos and allowing the people to keep them, you have little bits of the archive which people sort of own.
For the badges, he would print out a photo of the Archive and stick it on a piece of paper, he would then get each person to flip a plastic disk, the size needed for the badges, and then cut out the circles from the picture, the only way the pictures could be re-pieced is if all the people with the badges from that image got together and fitted them back. So whilst the images have holes in them, people carry round the missing pieces, which have no context unless seen with the original image.
When looking through the archive Tom found a photographer, whose photos were originally rejected from the archive, and he saw that he very often took three of the same photo, and so Tom made it into a little bit of a game. He had a plinth, painted blue, (which was a reference to John Baldessari) which he would drop each photo onto from a metre up, he would do this every day of the exhibition. Where the photos would land, they would stay for the day, if they landed off the plinth, they wouldn’t be included in the exhibition that day. This is a kind of experiment with the best-of-three idea the photographer came up with.
Tom Pope said there are quite a lot of references to John Baldessari within his work. For example, in the last room we saw, he hd taken images from the archive of people doing high jump, he then took some of his own of people doing high jump and limbo, and lined up the poles in all of them, so you would have some people going above the line and other people going below the line.
The presentation of this came from John Baldessaris “Throwing three balls in the air to get a straight line” Where he would, you guessed it, throw three balls in the air to try and make a straight line.
This inspired Toms choices for presentation, likewise Tom made many other references to other photographers within this exhibition.
We went to go visit Tom Pope’s exhibition down at the royal spare where he showed off his pieces of work. Tom took us around and explained to us the meanings behind his images. First off we walked in and there was a video Tom playing with dice that was on a TV screen, this was on repeat so that every time you started watching the video you saw it from a different point each time. In this video Tom was trying to place 5 dice on top of one another by angling them so that they all stayed up and did not fall back down again. In the room there was other images that were placed on the walls that were in orange frames, Tom said that they were in orange frames just because he likes this colour and that this had no significant meaning to his images.
These are some of the photographs that Tom took that was on the walls. In these images Tom went out into the community and took images of people in Jersey, in some of the images he told the person how to take the photograph if he was in it, but in others he left it up to the person taking the image, which to Tom meant that in the photograph was a part of Jersey community.
In the next room we went into there was a room with different masks in, theses masks were of faces of people from the archisle that Tom took out and blew up to life size sizes and placed a string around the back to make them into masks.
In this room there was also photographs on tables that had been cut up. These images had been blown up from the archisle and Tom on many of his workshops and through meeting people got them to throw a coin onto it and where the coin landed he made them a badge for the person to where, Tom did this with people that were from the Island Games also, which means that Tom’s badges are all around the world now. In another room that we went into there was photographs from Tom’s series called ‘high and low’ in these images Tom took images out of the archive of people doing the high jump but also took images of people doing the limbo, he placed these images so that the pole was in the same place and they all made a perfect line. In this room there was also a photograph on a piece of wood called from Jeffery’s leap, Tom took a piece of wood and kept throwing it over Jeffery’s leap, he did this repetition 12 times because he used a film camera called Hasselblad only took 12 different shots. Tom had this inspiration from John Baldessari who has done something like this before.