All posts by Jemma Hosegood



Ugne Henriko – Similar

People all around the world seem to have the same idea as Ugne. As you can see in images below they have taken sentimental or normal images and recreated them some time later. i find this type of photography interesting as you can see the changes the people and items have gone through in the time period between the two pictures. Untitled-1YU

For example, the couple below got married and took a photograph on a motorcycle as shown on the left. 40 years later! on their 40th wedding anniversary they tried recreated the image, a view visual errors but they also tried to take it in the same drive way as they did 40 years prior.


Another example would be a father and son also did a similar thing outside their family home. They took an image on the grass outside their house and then recreated it 20 years later! and succeeded as they paid good attention to detail, such as clothes and even the football the son was holding.


Ugne Henriko – Family study inspiration

Ugne Henriko is a photographer i have chosen to study due to her project called “mother and daughter”. The whole project on her website is linked here –

Ugnes project “Mother and daughter” has inspired me due to the shock i had after looking at the photographs and coming to terms with the insane similarities between them. This project explores a relationship between her mother and herself. Through genetic and characteristic similarities she trying to look into the general idea of being a copy of somebody else. To achieve this she has recreated her mother’s old photographs with herself in them, as a reflection of her. Henrikos aim is not only to show how much they look alike: she is trying to observe what is similar and what is different between two generations.

Here are some images from her project –

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Documentary photography

Documentary photography usually refers to a popular form of photography used to chronicle both significant and relevant to history and historical events and everyday life. It is typically covered in professional photojournalism, or real life reportage, but it may also be an amateur, artistic, or academic pursuit.

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Opinions on documentary photography are very controversial as they can be perceived differently by all. Most people have a view of it as inhumane to capture images of scenes and events when they could be helping. therefore photographers get negative backlash from images.


For example in Mongolia 1996  Captured street children in Ulan Bator, Mongolia’s capital, are hosed down before being put into a youth detention center. in the link above shows an image  of a tiny child cowers against a cold wall, awaiting his violent shower. Cropping within the viewfinder helps to show how small and frail the boy is in relation to his environment. He is the main subject. But to the side, in a watery light, another boy looks into the lens, judging me or you and seeming to ask if we have the right or the guts to stare. He is ghostly, making his presence all the more ethereal.


There is a refugee crisis in Europe, a young child was washed up on the beach after trying to reach Europe from north Africa. The image is being shown all around the world, however some people have a negative view on the picture as the photographer is obviously just stood watching the event and just taking pictures and offering no help.


This is the link to the image as pictures are not uploading to the blog –


Situationism is a theory in psychology that began in 1968 when a Person-situation debate was triggered by the publication of a monograph by Walter Mischel.

It refers to an approach to behavior which holds that general traits do not exist (perhaps apart from Intelligence). Behavior, then, is seen as being influenced by external, situational factors rather than internal traits or motivations.

These photographs are now my still finals for this section of work. Most of the images are screenshots from my video finals and some are just original stills.


I particularly like these images from the peak a box video as i feel they are quite odd photographs. You can see a shocked reaction of the woman that has walked past and molly has popped out. The blur of her hand shows that there was a quick movement,probably caused by shock from the movement of molly in the box.

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Peak a Box



I particularly like these images as they are all original stills so are good quality, due to the acting of the participants you can really see the expression in their faces.


Heavy catch

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Cone head

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Random act of kindness





Born in Bristol, UK in 1986 Tom Pope’s artistic practice is primarily based within performed photography. Pope’s playful and whimsical approach orchestrates situations and performed gestures of social interaction. Within these settings the public become willing participators and collaborators where the act of taking photographs is a social event. Spontaneity is embraced and chance encouraged.


Over The Edge-Tom Pope
Over The Edge-Tom Pope

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Tom Pope studied Photography in the Arts at Swansea Metropolitan University and received his Masters in Photography from the Royal College of Art in 2011 where he was also the recipient of a Deutsche Bank Award. His works are in the National Museum of Wales and National Portrait Gallery. Pope won the Night Contact/Photoworks commission 2014. The resulting filmSilent Fore to Aft made in collaboration with Terry Smith premiered at Brighton Photo Biennial 2014.


The Space Hijackers is a group originating in the United Kingdom that defines itself as “an international band of anarchitects who battle to save our streets, towns and cities from the evils of urban planners, architects, multinationals and other hoodlums”. Time Out magazine has described the group as “an inventive and subversive group of London ‘Anarchitects’ who specialise in reclaiming public spaces – usually without permission.

The group’s activities have included “guerrilla benching” restoring benches that had been recently removed and bolting them to the ground — organising a midnight game of cricket in the centre of the City of London financial district, and satirising the glossy architects’ drawings that are displayed on the perimeter of luxury apartments by depicting children’s playgrounds and other projects they believe to be actually desirable. Many of these activities aim to bring to people’s attention the role which corporations play in society in a different light.

here are some of their projects from 2011-2012




Tom pope study – paper aeroplane

In psychogeography, a dérive (French: “drift”) is an unplanned journey through a landscape, usually urban, on which the subtle aesthetic contours of the surrounding architecture and geography subconsciously direct the traveller’s, with the ultimate goal of encountering an entirely new and authentic experience.

In relation to tom pope, he made a paper aeroplane, and visited a gallery. a typically quiet and classy place. Tom then threw the aeroplane across the room and went to wherever it landed and looked at the closest piece of art to its landing.
